GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
Canada was looking to expand its international trade. they decided to sign the GATT wich made it much easier for certain countries to trade with each other. this made canda and Quebec able to participate in global free trade
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new provincial flag
Quebec started feeling more and more disfranchised from the rest of Canada. while the Quebec independence movement was not popular at the time many Quebec felt the need for their own flag. this showed Quebec moving away from the rest of Canada and becoming a more distinct entity.
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Asbestos Strike
many miners wanted safer working conditions and more pay so they went on strike. however, Morise Duplci was very conservative and supported the employers and made the strike illegal. this showed a greater divide between the upper and working class as well as Duplci's staunch anti-striker sentiment
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Indian Act
this act allowed Indigenous children to attend local schools as the government found the residual schools were costly and ineffective. this showed that Canada's slowly but steadily moving away from residential schools
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Quebeck introduced its own provincial taxes
quebec wanted more autonomy and less reliance on the federal government for funding, so they put in place their own tax. this would allow them to rely less on the federal government for funding.
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Richard Riot
Maurice Richard was suspended from the NHL playoffs by an anglophone referee. many Quebecers found this unfair and thought the Anglo-referee was just doing this to keep the French Canadians from winning the staly Cup. many people took to the streets in protest. this just showed the dived between English and French Canadians as all it took was one suspension from the NHL to cause a riot
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opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway
in order to expand trade capabilities with the US, Canada built the Saint Lawrence Seaway to facilitate trade. this made the change of goods much easier between these two countries
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Deptartment of Education created
the quebec government wanted to secularize education, to do this they needed to create a government body and the Department of Education was created. this would allow the government to control education, not the church
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Labour Code
There were growing calls for labour reform. in response to this the government passed the labour code which made it much easier for employees to unionise
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Daniel Johnson gets elected
After modernizing the Unoin National Daniel Johnson won the premiership of quebec. He was much more progressive than his predecessor Morrise Dupleci and sought to modernize Quebec
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CEGEP created
The need for education beyond high school but before college was apparent as not many Quebecers went to college. this made Sigep a great intermediary between high school and college. this increased the education level in Quebec
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End of resedshal schools
As the government was secularizing this meant every school was even residential schools. As a result, the government ended their parship with the church and just like that there were no more residential schools. this was a good thing as the school where very unkind to Indigenous youth
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October Crisis
The FLC were radical separatists. to achieve their goal of separating they made a stand by kidnapping two prominent anglophones as well as other acts of terrorism. The War Measures Act was called to help get them back. Unfortunately one of the kidnaped lost their life while the other was released in a hostage deal. this shook the country as it showed the extremes people would go for separation.
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Common front Strike
Many workers wanted a more fair distribution of wealth and greater equality. many of them declared an unlimited strike to force the govments hand. however, the government got an injunction forcing them back to work. this showed that the work reform movement was growing rapidly
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James Bay project lanched
to meet the growing electricity needs of quebec the quebec government decided to invest in hydro electricity in the James bay area. this was to provide energy for quebec to allow it to fully modernize
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Oil crisis
During the arab Israel war, Canada was on the side of Israel. this led OPEC to embargo them for oil along with many other countries. This led the price of oil to sky rocket and causing a period of economic instability in Canada and quebec
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Rene Levesque becomes premier
as the separation movement grew in support they managed to elect a pro-separation leader Reny Lefque. he promised to hold a referendum which could perishably seprte Quebec from Canada
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Official Language Act
As the tension between allophones and francophones intensified the quebec government decided to make French the only focal language of Quebec and limit access to English schools. this tried to make Quebec stay french
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Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
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James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement
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Political party financing reforms
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Bill 101
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Agricultural reforms
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Quebec prioritizes certain refugees
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