

By erin18
  • Period: to


  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    Because of the second great awakening evangelican religion was reaching lives that were being changed most by the market revolution.
  • The Fur Trade

    The Fur Trade
    William Henry Ashley instituted the rendezvous system which was a yearly trade fair to which trappers brought their fur to indian trade gatherings. Because of so many animals getting killed for fur trades later in the 1840s the beaver population was destroyed.
  • Nullificatioin Crisis

    Nullificatioin Crisis
    Southerners despised tariffs because they depended on thier cash crops and goods from Britain. South Carolina was so upset they almost secede from the Union but did'nt because of a lower tariff.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    In this election Andew Jackson is elected President. Jackson ushered in new ways of politics and was very popular.
  • Opening of Erie Canal

    Opening of Erie Canal
    The opening of the Erie canal in the 1830s encouraged people to migrate from New England to Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. Later they made up a large number of the population in the NW.
  • Early Strikes

    Early Strikes
    In the 1830s some of the first strikes in American labor history were led by women workers. But the facrory owners were sucessful in finding immigrants who would work for a lower wage.
  • Nat Turner slave revolt

    Nat Turner slave revolt
    Nat Turner started a slave rebellion on the night August 20, 1831. They killed 55 whites in all. More than 40 blacks were executed including Nat and after that people began to fear that more rebellions would happen, which caused more force to be used to keep slaves in line.
  • Americans in Texas

    Americans in Texas
    War broke out this day because Texas resrticted American immigration and outlawed slavery but the Americans discussed rebellion. War happened and Santa Anna signed a treaty recognizing the independence of Texas.
  • The Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837
    Recession that lasted for 6 years, Banking system collapsed and unemployment was at 10% of the population.
  • Transportation Revolution: Roads

    Transportation Revolution: Roads
    1839 is when roads were connected so that the East and West were connected together. Railroads were also being built from the 1830s to the 1860s.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    Samuel F. Morse invented the telegraph which had a revoutionary imapct. Important news could be sent across the country in a matter of minutes or hours.
  • Potato Famine

    Potato Famine
    The potato famine brought Irish immigrants to America. They were poor and remained in the cities where they were desperate for work.
  • Origins of the War

    Origins of the War
    Polk sent John Slidell to Mexica or offer $30 million for the Rio Grande border in Texas and their provinces. It was unsucessful and Congress declared war on Mexico.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    President James K. Polk aquired Mexico's northern provinces of California and New Mexico and made the Rio Grande as the boundary of Texas. Doing this the United States gained more land.
  • Women's Rights: Senaca Falls Convention

    Women's Rights: Senaca Falls Convention
    The Senaca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention in American history. Women spoke out participated in social reform movements.