Joey Rasynouvong

  • Industrial revoulution

  • 1st Successful steam engine built

  • Mexico declares its independence

  • Michael Faraday Dynamo

  • Taiping Rebellion

  • Sepoy Mutiny in India

  • Karl Marx's "Das Kapital"

  • The Meiji rebellion

  • Franco-Prussian War

  • Spanish-American War Begins

  • Boxer Rebelion

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Franz Ferdinand is killed

  • Lenin Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

  • U.S. Joins WWI

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

  • Mussolini Fascist Party in Italy

  • Stalin's Rule in the USSR begins

  • Black Tuesday Stock Market Crashes

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Germany attack Poland WWII

  • Japans attack on Pearl Harbor

  • U.S. Declares war on japan

  • D-Day

  • U.S. drops A-Bombs on Hiroshima

  • Nuremberg Trial are held

  • Apartheid in south Africa

  • Mao Zedongs people Republic of china

  • Korean war is fought

  • Fidel Catros Communism in Cuba

  • Vietnam War is fought

  • Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR

  • USSR collapses and Russia is Back

  • Persian Gulf War begins

  • NAFTA is formed

  • WTO is formed