
Canadian History 1800-1905 social 10

  • Red River Colony

    Red River Colony
    -set up in 1811 by Thomas Douglas
    -Granted by the Hudson Bay Company
    -The Red River Colony dated from a large land grant by the Hudson's Bay to the earl of Selkirk in 1812.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    -The United States of America against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
    -British attempts to restrict US trade
    -The treaty of Ghent
  • The battle of Seven Oaks

    The battle of Seven Oaks
    -Led the British colonists back to the Red River Valley within the year.
    -A violent confrontation between the Hudson Bay and North West Company
    -An obliesk was erected in 1891 to commemorate the conflict
  • HBC and NWC merged

    HBC and NWC merged
    -the result of the conflict at the Selkirk Settlement in 1820.
    -They controlled all of Rupert's land.
    -The merger takes place in the name of Hudson's Bay company in 1821
    -The fur trading was ending
  • The situation in Lower Canada

    The situation in Lower Canada
    -Lower Canada had serious political problems.because someone want to erase their culture.
    -racial discrimination problems
    -French Canadian
  • Agriculture

    -Agriculture is third staple ecomony
    -Bring more money
    -bumper crop
  • The coffin ship

    The coffin ship
    -refer to the ships that carried Irish Immigrants
    -crowded and disease-ridden with porr access to food and water
    -the cheapest way to crosss the Atlantic
    -food were not fresh.
    -Bad conditions made people died.
  • The rebellions of 1837

    The rebellions of 1837
    -The situation between the French and English was getting tense during early 1800's and eventually leading to the Rebellion of 1837
    -The rebellion in Lower Canada was led by Louis Joseph
    -The rebellion in Upper Canada was led by William Lyon
  • Lord Durham's Report

    Lord Durham's Report
    -The Rebellion of 1837
    -The Durham Report was not well received in Lower Canada,because Lord Durham force the French to assimilate into English Canada.
    -An important document in Canadian history
  • Maritime Fur Trade

    Maritime Fur Trade
    • a ship-based fur trade system that focused on acquiring furs of sea otters -The Maritime fur trade began as an adjunct to the fishing industry -The end of maritime furt trade is 1840
  • United Province of Canada is formed

    United Province of Canada is formed
    -1st Earl of Durham in the Report on the Affaris of British North America
    -A British colony in North America from 1841 to 1867.Its formation reflected recommendations made by John Lambton
  • Responsible Government is formed

    Responsible Government is formed
    -outcome of 1837 rebllions
    -A conception of a system that embodies the principle of parliamentry accountability
    -Durham Report led to a change
  • The Fraser Canyon War

    The Fraser Canyon War
    -an incident between the Nlaka'pamux people and white miners
    -It occurred during the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush
    -brought a large number of white settlers to the Fraser Canyon area.
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    -a trade treaty between Great Britain and the United States,
    -raw materials
    -since Great Britain was phasing out its preferential system.
  • Buffalo trade

    Buffalo trade
    -Lead to Native treaties
    -Lead to North West rebllions
    -promoting economic development
  • The Cariboo Gold Rush

    The Cariboo Gold Rush
    -a gold rush in the Colony of British Columbia
    -The Cariboo Gold Rush is the most famous of the gold rushes in British Columbia
    -The Cariboo Wagon Road
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    -Manifest Destiny
    -a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy.
    - one of the earliest true industrial wars
  • The British North America Act

    The British North America Act
    -passed by the British Parliament,
    -iand enduring federation
    - challenging successive governments to its amending formula
  • Canada purchased Rupert's Land

    Canada purchased Rupert's Land
    -The Hudson's Bay Company was prepared to sell to the Americans who would pay top dollar, but the British government made it clear it wanted the territory to be sold to Canada.
    -Canada saw Rupert's Land as the natural extension
    - Macdonald would discover that expanding a nation was more complex than just buying real estate.
  • The Red River Resistance

    The Red River Resistance
    • the first crisis the new government faced following Canadian Confederation in 1867.
    • Manitoba is Created
    • Louies Riel
  • Metis list of Rights

    Metis list of Rights
    -A homestead and pre-emption law
    -This meeting took place in Fort Garry on
    - adopted by the French and English representatives without a dissenting voice
  • Manitoba Act

    Manitoba Act
    -The Canadian Parliament passed the Manitoba Act creating Canada's fifth province.
    -Manitoba joins the Confederation
    -Gibe constitutional guarantees for French.
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    -a Canadian federal law that governs in matters pertaining to Indian status, bands, and Indian reserves.

    -It says how reserves and bands can operate
    -It defines who is, and who is not recognised as an "Indian"
  • CPR syndicate formed

    CPR syndicate formed
    -Macdonald made the group an offer:$25 million in cash,a land grant of 25million acres,and a monopoly west of Lake Superior for 20years.
    -On October 21, 1880 a group of Scottish Canadian businessmen finally formed a viable syndicate to build a transcontinental railway.
    -The Canadian Pacific Railway Company was incorporated February 16, 1881, with George Stephen as its first president.
  • CPR completed

    CPR completed
    -The fastest way was by rail
    -Thanks to the CPR,the government looked as though it could respond to a crisis quickly.
    -The CPR was completed in November 1885--five years ahead of schedule
  • Top event part1

    The situation between the French and English was getting tense during early 1800’s, and eventually leading to the Rebellions of 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada. Britain noticed that the old ways to govern the colonies had to change, so they detached an outstanding person, Lord Durham, to deal with these problems. He arrived in the spring of 1838 and would be processing problems which existed in Canada immediately. Durham stated that he “found two nations warring in the bosom of a single state”
  • Top event part 2

    so he submitted the report to the British Government without the Councils and the Assembly. He recommended that Upper and Lower Canada be joined together and a new system to govern the colonial of British North America. Under this system,the governor should must be drawn from the legislative assembly by some people who had the right to vote, This system became the model of in all its colonies afterwards. However, success always come with difficult.
  • Top event part3

    The Durham Report was not well received in Lower Canada, because Durham force the French to assimilate into English Canada, that made them feel that they were discriminate by English Canadian. Durham realized he need to resign and go home to compete his report more refined. Lord Durham’s Report promoted the union of Upper and Lower Canada, the assimilation of the French Canadian in 1840 and the granting of ministerial responsibility government in 1848.
  • Top event part4

    Lord Durham’s report is an important document in Canada’s history, its document bring huge impact to Canadian’s political.Likewise,it is a turning point of Canadian history.