1800-1900 Timeline

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This purchase doubled the size of the United States. Spain had owned this land since 1762. It made up about 15 U.S. states.
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    War of 1812

    This was a war fought between the United States and Great Britain. It ended with both parties signing the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814.
  • Battle of Velasco

    Battle of Velasco
    This battle lasted until June 26,1832. This was the first true military conflict between Mexico and Texans in the Texas Revolution. The texans won this battle but lost about 8-10 men.
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    Texas Revolution

    This revolution started after many clashes between the Mexican government and Anglo- Americans in Texas. It resulted in Texas's independence from Mexico.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Texas formed a separate government and prepared for war at the Alamo in San Antonio, TX. This was a 12 day siege. Davy Crockett died during this battle.
  • Texas Declares Independence

    Texas Declares Independence
    The Declaration of Independence gave independence to Texas from Mexico in the Texas Revolution. It was adopted at the Convention of 1836.
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    Mexican- American War

    This was a war over western territories. It was sparked by the annexation of Texas. The United States army won.
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    Civil War

    This war was between the northern and southern states in the U.S. This was caused by issues of slavery and rights of the states vs. the federal government.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    This battle lasted 3 days. This battle acted as a turning point of the war. The Union defeated the South's army.
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    Spanish- American War

    The United States was unprepared for this war. The sinking of the USS Maine is responsible for this war. The United States won which produced a peace treaty.