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1800-1900 history of agriculture

  • North begins to industrialize, South remains an agriculture hub

    North begins to industrialize, South remains an agriculture hub
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    this expands farmable land by large amounts
  • farmers begin to use horsepower to pull newly invented implements.

    farmers begin to use horsepower to pull newly invented implements.
    this makes farming much faster and more efficient.
  • Horse Drawn Reaper is invented

    Horse Drawn Reaper is invented
    this greatly speeds up the process into of harvesting crops.
  • Railroads

    Provides farmers with a much faster to get there product to market.
  • The American Civil War begins

    The American Civil War begins
    The bloodiest war in american history begins.
  • The United States Department of Agriculture

    The United States Department of Agriculture
  • Homestead act is first established, allowing settlers to claim 160 acres for almost no money at all.

    Homestead act is first established, allowing settlers to claim 160 acres for almost no money at all.
  • The Morrill act is passed giving money, and land to states to establish colleges, and universities for the common man.

    The Morrill act is passed giving money, and land to states to establish colleges, and universities for the common man.
    Penn State is an example of a university established by this act.
  • Agriculture science

    Agriculture science
    As the USDA began to share it's discoveries, farmers began to attend agriculture science school's
  • science changes the number of people needed for farming

    science changes the number of people needed for farming
    the number of people needed for farming, drops again, because science has made another breakthrough in agriculture.
  • New technology allows for farming farther away from rivers.

    New technology allows for farming farther away from rivers.
    Dams now were able to supply dry land with irrigation water, and the areas that once were unfarmable were now able to be farmed.