
  • U.S. Federal Government moved to Washington D.C.

  • U.S. negotiates Louisiana Purchase from France for 15 million dollars

    Doubling its territory from Mississippi river to Rockies and from Gulf of Mexico to British North America
  • Lewis and Clark expeditions begin

  • First successful steamboat trip

    Robert Fulton completes first successful steamboat trip on Clermont between New York City and Albany
  • Congress Bars importation of Slaves

  • war of 1812

    U.S. war with Britain over freedom of the seas
  • War of 1812 ends

    Ended by the Treaty of Ghent
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri admitted as slave state but slavery barred in rest of Louisiana purchase
  • U.S. Monroe Doctrine

    warns European nations not to interfere in Western Hemisphere
  • Nat turner leads unsuccessful slave revolt

  • Slavery abolished in Britain Empire

  • Congress adopts joint resolution for annexation of Texas

  • U.S. declares war on Mexico

    California and New Mexico annexed by U.S.
  • U.S. Mexico war ends

    Mexico cedes claims to Texas California Arizona New mexico Utah Nevada
  • U.S. treaty with Britain sets Oregon Territory boundary at 49th parallel

  • Women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y.

  • California Gold rush begins

  • Henry Clay opens great debate on slavery

  • Kansas-Nebraska acts permit local option on Slavery

  • Pro Slavery constitution rejected in Kansas

  • South Carolina secedes from Union

  • U.S. civil war begins

    Missisppi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennesse, North Carolina secede and join confederate states with Jefferson Davis as President.
  • First battle of Bull run

  • Battle of Shiloh, Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antitetam

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Gen. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign

  • Civil War ends

    Gen. Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox.
  • Lincoln's Assasination

  • 14th Amendment is ratified

    Giving Blacks civil rights
  • First U.S. transcontinental rail route completed

  • Congress gives Amnesty to most Confederates