
soc 2 JOH

  • Culture

    Culture shared products of a society transmitted from generation from generation
    ex: America liberated from the British and started developing shared values
  • naturalist

    Bleif in the laws of natture, no superal natural being EX, charles darwin is seen as the orginal naturalist
  • Ethnocentism

    The belief that ones own culture is supperior to others
    ex: Many Western European countries tried to force Western culture to their colonies around the world
  • Industrial

    Having goods and resources made with high tech machienery
    ex: Industrial Revolution
  • Cultural Plurism

    Cultural Plurism
    ex: Cultural plurism is when two societys of different ethnic groups retain their cultural identitiy without ethnocentism
    ex: After Bismark united Prussia and other nations to create Germany there was no conflict
  • Assimilation

    To become part of the dominant culture.
    ex: When immigrating to America many immigrants had to change their cultural traditions
  • Freund id ego, Super ego

    Freund id ego, Super ego
    The idea of The minds there priciple reacting to instinct and sociol conditions
  • poverty

    During the great depression 60% of people lived below povertyline
  • Scapegoat

    Putting blame and faults onto one group or person
    ex: Adolf Hitler tried to blame Germany's finacial problems on the Jews
  • Taboo

    Something that is forbidden or widely unaccepted in a culture
    ex: In China, it is unacceptable to give any sympathy to Teibet or question Chinese athority
  • Containment Theory

    Containment Theory
    Deviance can be avoided by all humans which are all subject to criminal behavior
  • Milgram experment

    Milgram experment
    stanly milgram conducted an experiment To show how people blind comform
  • Prejudice

    Negative judgements against an ethnic group
    ex: Afican Americans
  • Couter culture

    Couter culture
    A small group that goes outside the norms of the main stream
  • Lower Class

    Lower Class
    The portion of the population that makes the lowest amount of wealth often with higher infant mortality rate. The majority of African Americans make up this group
    ex: Most citezens that live in the south side of Chicago fit into the lower class category
  • Subculture

    Group of people within a society features of the main culture
    ex: In London in the late '70s a new faster, cuder type of rock was formed called punk
  • White Collar Crime

    White Collar Crime
    A crime that does not have violence involved. Normally finacial based.
  • Hunter gather

    Hunter gather
  • Patriotism

    Feeling great pride and honor for ones country
    ex: After 9/11 many people became more partiotic
  • Tabb

    somthing that violates the norms of society EX 5 Years ago the state of massachusetts Legalized gay marrige
  • Deviance

    An act that contradicts cultural values and norms
    ex: Deviance experiment