Culture shared products of a society transmitted from generation from generation
ex: America liberated from the British and started developing shared values -
Bleif in the laws of natture, no superal natural being EX, charles darwin is seen as the orginal naturalist -
The belief that ones own culture is supperior to others
ex: Many Western European countries tried to force Western culture to their colonies around the world -
Having goods and resources made with high tech machienery
ex: Industrial Revolution -
Cultural Plurism
ex: Cultural plurism is when two societys of different ethnic groups retain their cultural identitiy without ethnocentism
ex: After Bismark united Prussia and other nations to create Germany there was no conflict -
To become part of the dominant culture.
ex: When immigrating to America many immigrants had to change their cultural traditions -
Freund id ego, Super ego
The idea of The minds there priciple reacting to instinct and sociol conditions -
During the great depression 60% of people lived below povertyline -
Putting blame and faults onto one group or person
ex: Adolf Hitler tried to blame Germany's finacial problems on the Jews -
Something that is forbidden or widely unaccepted in a culture
ex: In China, it is unacceptable to give any sympathy to Teibet or question Chinese athority -
Containment Theory
Deviance can be avoided by all humans which are all subject to criminal behavior -
Milgram experment
stanly milgram conducted an experiment To show how people blind comform -
Negative judgements against an ethnic group
ex: Afican Americans -
Couter culture
A small group that goes outside the norms of the main stream -
Lower Class
The portion of the population that makes the lowest amount of wealth often with higher infant mortality rate. The majority of African Americans make up this group
ex: Most citezens that live in the south side of Chicago fit into the lower class category -
Group of people within a society features of the main culture
ex: In London in the late '70s a new faster, cuder type of rock was formed called punk -
White Collar Crime
A crime that does not have violence involved. Normally finacial based.
ex:Enron -
Hunter gather
Feeling great pride and honor for ones country
ex: After 9/11 many people became more partiotic -
somthing that violates the norms of society EX 5 Years ago the state of massachusetts Legalized gay marrige -
An act that contradicts cultural values and norms
ex: Deviance experiment