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Binglish and Hinglish. India.
The new popularity of English started two new languages, Hinglish and Binglish. Both is English but mixed with other languages. Hinglish is a mix with Hindi and English and binglish is a mix of English and Bengali. -
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England got powerful. Caribbean.
The trading made England to a very powerful country because they sold the cheap manufactured gods from america much more expensive to Africa. -
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slave trading began. Caribbean.
The slave trading but also called the triangle trade began in the 17th century. The trading was between England to Africa, and from there to america. In England the boats was loaded with guns and manufactured products to trade for slaves in Africa that they sent over to america to get sugar, tobacco and cotton back to Europe and England. -
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East india company. India.
Queen Elisabeth wanted to start trading with india so she started the East India Company to trade with them. The english became the language to trade with, which the natives in India thought was just fine because then they could start taking part of their culture, books and so on.. -
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Creole. Caribbean.
All the trading made a new language called creole talked between silors ande the slaves. Creole is a mixture of English and their native language. They are talking creole even today but the language is different depending on were you are. For example: the Barbados creole are using a lot more english words than the Jamaican creole because they are using a lot more words from their distinct language. -
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slang words used today. Australia.
The criminals at the 18th century were using some slang to have konversations with each others. Some exempels for slang that the Australian people are using today is:
Flash - gods taken from the robbery.
Billy - a pot to boil water for the cocking.
Tucker - food. -
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The accents. Australia.
All the criminals that came from England had their own english accent, but the years went by and more and more people lost their accent and the Australian language were made. -
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1788 "First Fleet" Australia.
First group of boats from England with prisoners. The boats were filled with 780 criminals to transfer them to Australia. In total the fleet was 11 boats with people transferred "for life" as their punishment. -
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big problems. Australia.
In every boat there was 4 men to every women which made a big problem. But that wasn't the only problem. In England they had one culture, both in food but also their climate. This cause the criminals to starve to death because they didn't know how to survive in Australias climate and culture.