
  • Caroline Hersche

    Caroline Hersche
    Caroline Hersche was an astronomer in Europe and was credited with being the first woman to discover a comet. She increased her popularity buy also finding 14 nebula and other astronomical objects.
  • Tarrare

    Tarrare was a French spy who was known for his huge appetite and was described as being able to eat enough for 15 people. He would eat anything he could get like cats, dogs, stones, grass, rats, and even people. During his time surviving in war he tried to eat a solders leg that was blown off from a canon ball; similarly when he was in the hospital he was caught trying to drink the blood of patients and even ate a 14 year old baby.
  • Black prisoners of war at Port-Chester Castle

    Black prisoners of war at Port-Chester Castle
    In October 1796 ships from the Caribbean held about 2,500 prisoners of war who were mostly black and brought them to Port-Chester Castle. While their life was difficult they were treated with some respect and were given extra clothes to last thought British winter. However the other prisoners felt that they were superior to the blacks and would often steal or kill their fellow prisoners.
  • The Death of Maximilien Robespierre

    The Death of Maximilien Robespierre
    During the French Revolution Maximilien Robespierre was most known for his role in the Rein of Terror and for his crimes Robespierre was arrested. He tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the mouth and it failed. His jaw was left barely attached and when it came time for him to be executed by beheading his bandage removed which caused him to scream in agony and to make matters worse the executioner missed and lead to an even more horrific death to watch.
  • Paris catacombs

    Paris catacombs
    In Paris many people were dying from health conditions and the cemeteries became over crowded so a decision to transfer the bodies underground. This resulted into the present-day underground tomb filled with organized skeletons.
  • Dentures

    After the battle of Waterloo in Belgium teeth from the soldiers that died were taken and used at dentures for other people missing teeth. This became a popular source of income for poor people because dentists would pay to get their teeth.
  • The Bell Witch

    The Bell Witch
    The Bell Witch was a spirit that was supposedly haunting the Bell family specifically John Bell and first appeared in the form of a " dog-like" creature. Bell reported seeing more strange creatures and attacks on the family within the house. Later John Bell died of poisoning thought to be from the spirit.
  • Mary Anning

    Mary Anning
    Mary Anning was an English paleontologist who is credited with the discovery of many fossils, however she is most known for being the first person to complete the skeleton of a Plesiosaurus.
  • Woman's Rights

    Woman's Rights
    In 1848 the Seneca Falls Woman's Rights Convention started the progression of woman's rights. Both men and women sighed a Declaration of Sentiments which acted as a petition to allow for equality for women all around.
  • Orphan Trains

    Orphan Trains
    Orphan Trains started in the 1850s and were Trains that took orphans through the mid west and into the west and stopped at farming communities. With this a lot of orphans were taken and treated like slaves rather than a part of a family.