Massacre of Fort Loundoun
Relation between colonists and Cherokee Indians broke down. The Cherokee attacked and killed several people and soldiers. -
The French and Indian War began
The British tried to capture France's Fort Duquenso located at the mouth of the Ohio River. The French had success earlier in the war. -
Albany Plan of Union
It called for colonists to make decisions about defensive matters. This plan would later become inspirational for the future leaders. -
Benjamin Franklin creates the "Join or Die" cartoon
It was used to lead up the American Revolution. It was published in Pennsylvania, Gazette -
1st Treaty of Paris
France gave up all of its North America colonies. This was good news because France and Spain were no longer threats. -
Proclamation Line
It announced the colonies to move west. This was made to avoid war with the American Indians. -
Quartering Act
Colonists had to give up room for British soldiers. Colonists saw this as taking care of the British. -
The Stamp Act
Colonists had to buy stamps for paper documents. Since the colonists cried over this, the British repealed this act. -
The Declaratory Act
It was the same day they repealed the Stamp Act. While the colonists were not in "physical representation", the colonists were in "virtual representation". -
The Townshend Act
Colonists had to pay for glass, tea, paper,lead, and paint that was all from Britain. These acts continued even though the colonists didn't like it. -
Sons of Liberty was created
The Sons of Liberty organized boycotts. This group helped end the Stamp Act. -
The Boston Massacre
What started the massacre is colonists started insulting and arguing with the British soldiers. Three colonists died in the scene and two died later on, this made the colonists angry and united even more. -
Tea Act
The colonists did not buy English tea because of a boycott. Instead, many colonists smuggled tea from Dutch companies. -
Boston Tea Party
Colonists dumped a lot of tea on Boston Harbor from ships. This caused a chain reaction around the colonies. -
Intolerable/Coercive Act
This was a series of laws. These laws were made to punish colonists for the dumped tea. -
First Continental Congress meets
Discussed the Coercive Acts. Delegates agreed to stop importing British goods. -
Battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill
Also a Lexington and Concord-style battle. Colonial militia built a defense near Bread's Hill. -
Second Continental Congress meets
Discusses a independent nation. They agreed to the independent nation. -
Continental Army is formed
The leader was George Washington. Many colonists did not want to fight outside their home colonies. -
Battle at Kings Mountain
Patriots defeated Loyalists using Guerrilla warfare. It was fought in South Carolina. -
Lexington and Concord
Colonial militia were getting ready to fight the British. Revere, Dawes, and Prescott helped warn the others that the British troops were coming. -
Thomas Paine writes Common Sense
He believed that the British rule was a threat to the colonists. He didn't want the colonies have the same government. -
Declaration of Independence
It announced the official thirteen colonies. Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. -
Battle of Trenton and Princeton
George Washington defeated British troops in Trenton and Princeton, which raised the morale of the Continental Army. -
Battle of Saratoga
It prompted France to sign the Treaty of Alliances. Frenches support helped the patriots. -
Battle of Yorktown
French ships blocked the British from getting help from thee sea. The British surrender the American Revolutionary. -
British surrender
After the British surrender, the American Revolution ends. The British were trapped which made them surrender. -
2nd Treaty of Paris
After the war ended, the signing of the second treaty of Paris began. This was a document that ended the war.