Alli's timeline

  • Breakup of the Beatles

    Breakup of the Beatles
    After much success in the music business the Beatles went their seperate ways. They were all very talented and moved onto different things.
  • Disney World Opens

    Disney World Opens
    People camped out in their cars to be the first people inside the new park, Magic Kingdom.
  • End of Vietnam War

    End of Vietnam War
    US troops went to fight to try and stop the spread of communism.
  • Microsoft was founded

    Microsoft was founded
    Microsoft was founded in 1975 by William H. Gates III and Paul Allen. The two met in high school and formed the program.
  • Release of Star Wars movie

    Release of Star Wars movie
    Plot: Luke Skywalker leaves his home planet, teams up with other rebels, and tries to save Princess Leia from the evil clutches of Darth Vader.