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Catholic church timeline
Major event from 1750 to 1980 that involved the catholic church. -
24th 1788 first fleet lands at Australia
First Catholics arriving into Australia mostly being Irish convicts and royal mariners about one-tenth of convicts were catholic. It wasn’t until 1800 when the first catholic priest James Dixon was sent to Australia as a convict, he was granted to say mass to the people of Sydney. Until 1804 where there were rebellious acts. By 1828 there were over 10000 catholic convicts transported from England. Two catholic schools were established in the early 19th century but didn’t last long. Fathers The -
Napoleon was crowned king of France
Napoleon and the Catholic Church were important to napoleons rise and fall. The Catholic Church has suffered a massive loss of land due to the change of society in the Holy Roman Empire. Napoleon was crowned king on the 2nd of December 1804 by pope Pius VII, after that he was king for 35 years. Napoleon started 14 battles and three campaigns. In June 22nd 1815 napoleon gave up the throne after he lose the battle of waterloo. On March 5th 1821 napoleon dies of stomach cancer. -
American Civil War
The American civil war started in April 12th 1861 and ended in April 9th 1865. The war was fought between the union states (Northern States) and the confederacy (Southern States); the American civil war started when the northern and southern states fighting over the law of slavery, trade, tariffs and state rights. The union states won but had had 360,000 casualties while the confederacy only lost 260,000 men and women. The Catholic Church was highly against the laws of slavery as it is an intrin -
Australia Federation
In 1890s when the draft of the constitution was being written the colonial church wanted three things witch one of them was for the Australian Commonwealth to recognise the God is the supreme ruler and the ultimate source all law and authority. The second request was that the lower and upper house before each sitting had to be opened with pray by the president and speaker or by and chaplain. The third request by the Catholic Church was that the governor general authority to have national days of -
World War one
During the war Italy was taking land from the Vatican City. The Vatican City also didn’t want to be apart of Italy as Italy was ruled by a dictatorship. The Vatican City did this as that don’t want to be apart of war and won’t tolerate violence. During the war Pope Benedict XV wrote several truce letters to stop the war during Christmas but the letters got rejected. Then on Christmas Eve the German solders stared singing Christmas carols followed by the British soldiers. Then on Christmas day th