Period: to
1750-1918: The Beginning of the Modern World
Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution doesn't have an exact date on when it started, but it commonly says online that it was about 1760. It brang about much business and commerce in Britain. With the Industrial Revolution, came much child labour. -
James Watt designs more efficient Steam Engine
In the late 1700's James Watt significantly improved the design of the Steam Engine. This was an invention that was absolutely pivotal during the Industrial Revolution. Steam Engines were used to power forms of transport including trains and cars. -
Start of American Revolution
The American Revolution was an act that attemted and suceeded to transform the British colonies of northern America into the United States of America. One of the inciting inncidents of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party. This involved lots of Americans throwing large amounts of tea in Boston Habour. -
End of American Revolution
The American Revolution finished in the 1780's with America's independence from Britain. It involved a document known as The Declaration of Independence being approved by the Second Continenta; Congress. More than 45000 people died during the revolution. -
First Fleet arrives in Australia
When the first fleet arrived in Australia, it marked the beginning of migration to Australia as the people who were part of the First Fleet were the first migrants to Australia. The First Fleet consisted of 11 ships, 10 civil officers, 212 Marines, 28 wives of the Marines, 17 children of the Marines, 81 free people, 504 male convicts, and 192 female convicts. For the Aboriginie people, it was the beginning of much heartache. -
Beginning of French Revolution
The French revolution began due to exceedingly high prices of bread. Many French people were absolutely starving, while the aristocrats had a seemingly endless supply of food. The aristocrats seemingly didn't care about most of France's population, which caused a revolution among the French. -
End of French Revolution
The French Revvolution ended just before the beginning of the 19th century. It brang democracy to France and has been the reason why there are so many democratic countries today. The French Revolution effectively ended when Napoleon Bonaparte staged the coup of 18 Brumaire. -
Alessandro Volta invents the battery
At the very beginning of the 19th century, a man named Alessandro Volta invented the battery. The battery was originally made from pairs of copper and zinc disks piled on top of one another. The battery was a major invention during the Industrial Revolution and has revolutionised the way we live. -
Liverpool and Manchester Railway opens
The Liverpool and Manchester Railway was opended by in the early 1800's. It was the first twin-tracked railway to be be used. Built by George Stephenson, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway was crucial during the Industrial Revolution as it transported many people across England. -
People's Charter published
The People's Charter was a document published in the 1830's. It gave any man over the age of 21 the legal right to vote. For the time that was radical reform and has been one of the many reasons why democracy is such a popular form of government today. The People's Charter is one of the most important documents, in terms of setting up the modern world. -
Eureka Stokade Rebellion
The Eureka Stokade Rebellion was a conflict that involved the gold miners of Ballarat and the Victoria Police troopers. The actual fight only lasted for about 15 minutes, but it was lond enough for people to get killed, although there wern't many casualties. The Eureka Stokade Rebellion marked the birth of democracy in Australia. -
Start of American Civil War
The American Civil War was a war fought between the northern states of the U.S., (The Union or the North) and the southern slave states (The Confederacy or the South). One of the reasons it began was due to Abraham Licoln, the president of America at the time, being opposed to slavery expanding into the U.S. territories. -
End of American Civil War
After raging for more than four years, the Union finally defeated the Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln didn't live to see the official end of the war as he was shot by a Southern sympathizer which caused him to die on the 15th of April 1865. 625000 people died in the American Civil War. -
Start of the Second Boer War
The Second Boer War began when the Boers began an attack against what they saw as an invasion by Britain. The Boers had quite a few tacticle victories at the beginning of the war. The British failed to counter these attacks. -
Federation of Australia
Australia was federated in the very early stages of the 20th century. It meant that the colonies of Australia where no longer under direct British rule and were united to form the Commonwealth of Australia. The states at the time where New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and Tasmania. -
End of the Second Boer War
The end of the Second Boer War resulted in the British control of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. This brought all of South Africa under British control.16992 people died during the course of the Second Boer war. -
Wright Brothers achieve First Flight
The Wright Brothers are probably responsible for a lot of what goes on in aviation today. This is because they were the first people in history to achieve powered flight. The final flight of the day was just after midday with a flight distance of 852 ft over the ground. -
Titanic hits iceberg
The Titanic was a large passenger ship that claimed to be unsinkable. On it's first and last voyage, it hit an iceberg and sunk. Many passengers didn't escape the sinking ship and drowned. Most oof those that drowned had sold everything to begin a new life in America. -
Beginning of World War 1
World War 1 was the first war in history ever to go global. It consisted of the Allies (which mainly consisted of the UK, France, and Russia) and the Central Powers (which mainly consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary (now Austria and Hungary) and Italy. The main leader of the Allies was Raymond Poincare` while the main leader for the Central Powers was Wilhelm II. The strat of WWI marked the end of the Industrial Revolution. -
End of World War I
World War I ended just before the 1920's on the day which would later be known as Remembrance Day. The Allies had defeated the Central Powers. Throughoout the world, there were an exceedingly high amount of loss od life. World War I brought about the deaths of 9911000 people.