
My First Year

By cjb0806
  • My Birth Day

    My Birth Day
    I was born Wednesday August 6 just before 9 p.m. My daddy also had a birthday; he turned 30. On my birth day, Bebe took Mommy to Kennestone Hospital at 7:30 a.m. while daddy was working hard as a new teacher. At 9:00 a.m. the nurse started to give Mommy medicine that would get labor started and at 7:00 p.m. she finally gave in and asked for an epidural. Numb and pain free, mommy took a quick nap until it was time to push. I finally entered into this world at 8:57 p.m. weighing 7lbs. 4oz.
  • First Family Outing

    First Family Outing
    We got to go to Grandma's house this weekend. Everyone from Daddy's family was there to play with me. I had so much fun that when I got home that afternoon, I took a nap and didn't wake up until morning (except to nurse of course). Daddy took the picture of me and Mommy just before we left home.
  • Bathtime

    Mommy and Daddy finally put me in the infant tub when I was three weeks old and it was pure torture!
  • All smiles

    All smiles
    I mastered smiling at 5 weeks. It is a shame about how few pictures of me there are around this time. Mom says it has nothing to do with the fact that I came down with baby acne around this time; I don't believe her for a second!
  • Mommy, I can do it myself!

    Mommy, I can do it myself!
    I can hold my head!
  • I'm laughing

    I'm laughing
    Bebe was singing "Padda Cake" to me during one of my weekly visits to grandma's house. I don't know if you have ever heard Bebe sing, but she is definitely no Celine Dion. After about the third or fourth go around, all I could do was laugh. And then laugh some more!
  • The Great Grandparents

    The Great Grandparents
    Mommy, Aunt LaLa, and I went to Alabama for the weekend to visit Papa and the Great Grandparents. There is nothing like a snuggly, cozy nap on great grandpa!
  • Halloween

    We did not go trick r treating for my first Halloween. Instead my mom spent hours dressing me up and taking pictures. I love her, so I played along...
  • Thanksgiving

    Bebe and Papa Jack were out of town and Mommy had to work at the hospital that night. So, we took it easy most of the day and then headed over to Grandma's house for an early dinner. Aunt LaLa joined us. Aunt LaLa taught me how to hold a fork. We had so much fun!
  • Got Milk?

    Got Milk?
    "I don't know about this Dad... Where's Mommy?"
  • Ho Ho Ho

    Ho Ho Ho
    My first Christmas.
  • All by myself

    All by myself
    I can sit up!
  • What did you say?

    What did you say?
    At dinner tonight I learned to say my very first word, MA MA! Mommy and Daddy was so excited that they got out the video camera and made me say it over and over again.
  • Teether anyone?

    Teether anyone?
    My first tooth popped through around 6 months. It was the right bottom incisor. A couple of weeks later, the left one showed up.
  • I'm mobile

    I'm mobile
    I'm crawling at 7 1/2 months. I was upset with daddy after he put me down on the floor in my room so he could get ready for bed. I was so mad that I started to scream and just crawled right to him.
  • Happy Easter

    Happy Easter
    My first easter, Papa came to see me for the entire weekend. We went to J Christophers' for brunch Easter Sunday.
  • Beach Bound

    Beach Bound
    My first vactation- Mommy and Aunt La La took me to Destin. We stayed at Bebe and Papa Jacks condo. At first I wasn't too sure about the whole sand and water thing, but I think, with time, I could learn to love it, or it least mommy hopes I will!
  • Bye Bye

    I love to wave bye bye to everyone, especially clerks at the counter when mommy and I are out doing our errands. Picture coming soon!
  • Did someone say clap?

    While mommy was at work tonight, daddy and grandma taught me how to clap. Picture coming soon!