Cardinal Newman High School
1981 - 1985
10 GCSEs at grade C or above
GCE Maths (C) - sat a year early
GCE Human Biology (B) - sat a year early -
- 1991 A'levels
St John Rigby College: 1988-1991
A'level General Studies (A)
A'level Biology (B)
A'level Chemistry (D) -
- 1995 BSc Ecology
University of Dundee: 1991 - 1995
BSc hons (2:1) Ecology -
6 weeks NHM (London)
NHM Summer Studentship
- studying the colour dimorphism of the Jewel Thrush family (Pitta spp) -
- 30 Sept 1994 Scottish Crop Research Inst.
Summer 1994
- laboratory assistant: data entry, yield measuring in a project on winter barley hardiness. -
3 months Fieldwork Assistant
Trinidad & Tobago
- 3-months assisting a bird survey of Trinidad: mistnetting, biometrics, ringing, recording data. -
University of Durham
Research Technician
- responsible for maintaining animal and laboratory supplies and databases, animal husbandry, running experiments. -
10 months Chimpanzee Researcher
Fieldwork: Tai Chimp Project, Ivory Coast, W. Africa
- managing a remote field camp for the daily observation of chimpanzee movement and behaviour. I had two local french-speaking assistants to direct and daily reports on chimp activity and weather station data to process, including my own observations. -
- Sept 1998 MSc Zoology
University of Liverpool: 1997 - 1998
MSc in "Evolutionary Psychology"
I used the data collected in the Ivory Coast to examine the influence of biotic (social rank, reproductive opportunity, food abundance etc) and abiotic factors (weather patterns) on group sizes in a chimpanzee population. -
- Dec 2002 PhD Zoology
University of Liverpool: 1998 - 2002
PhD in Biochemistry & Animal Behaviour
Using semiochemical techniques (head-space and hexane extraction chromatography, ELISA, IEF, SDS-PAGE, Quantitative Colorimetry) I investigated the competitive signalling behaviour of rodents. -
- Aug 2005 PDRA: animal navigation
University of Liverpool
A collaborative project for which I worked on a novel pheromone used by mice to navigate new areas, assess their suitability. -
- Mar 2006 Freelance Ecologist
Collecting land usage data and scat samples for a nationwide survey of mammals on behalf of the University of Bristol's Mammal Unit. -
- now Freelance Researcher
Ecology work, literature reviews, information sourcing and compiling, proof-reading, website design and maintenance, photography commissions and photography artwork sold through local West Country venues.