1700-1800 Timeline

  • Boston Newsletter founded

    founded by John Campbell as the first successful newspaper in America
  • Carolina Divided

    Carolina is divided into North and South Carolina
  • Poor Richard's Almanac Published

    Published by Benjamin Franklin
  • Conestoga Wagon Developed

    Developed in Pennsylvania to improve travel into the frontier
  • Nine of the thirteen colonies ask for repeal of the Stamp Act

    A tax that unrightfully taxed colonists on goods and trade.
  • Boston Massacre occurs

    A fight between Colonists and the British in Boston
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists dress as Native Americans to throw English tea into the Boston Harbor
  • Battle of Lexington

    A battle between the British Army and the Colonists that start the American Revolution.
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    Signed by the member of the Continental Congress
  • Cotton gin invented

    Invented by Eli Whitney