
  • Yale college is founded

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • William Penn gives Pennsylvania first constitution

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • First regular newspaper is published

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • Post Office Act Passed

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Carolina is separated into North and South

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • Tea introduced to America

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • Population of American colonist is 475,000

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Alamo is built

    (Kelly, 2017)
  • Molasses Act Passed

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • First colonial copper coins are minted

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Iron Act passed

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Currency Act passed

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • First general hospital founded

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Period: to

    French and Indian war

    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • England declares war on France

    due to the French and Indian war in the colonies spreading to Europe
    (HistoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Defeat for English at Lake George

    nearly 2000 English died
    H(istoryPlace.com Writer, 2018)
  • Boston Massacre

    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Boston Tea Party

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • First Continental Congress meets

    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • The American Revolution begins

    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Congress approves the first official flag of the united states

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Battle of Valley Forge

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Britain recognizes America’s independence

    This is the end of the war
    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Shay’s Rebellion

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Constitutional Convention came to be

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • George Washington elected and first president of the united states

    unanimously voted
    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Constitution goes into effect

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Supreme court meets for the first time

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • First census

    population of 4 million
    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Bill of Rights ratified

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Washington’s second inauguration

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • John Adams elected as second president of the United States

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)