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Engraving boston massacre paul revere


  • House of Burgesses passed its first slave code

    The House passes its first slave code making the issue of slavery begin to grow much more in the colonies.
  • Early Piety was published

    This was a collection of sermons written by ministers in New England.
  • Slave Rebellion in New York

    Slaves in New York led a rebellion that led to 9 colonists dying and over 20 slaves being executed.
  • Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin arrived in Philadelphia.
  • George Whitfields Sermons

    George Whitfield went around the country preaching Calvinist sermons.
  • The French and Indian War ended

    The last conflict between the British and French was fought ending in a British victory
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was an attempt to make merchants pay existing duties.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts were passed making new custom duties on certain goods.
  • Period: to

    Philadelphia became colonial printing center

    Philadelphia passed up Boston as the center for printing in the colonies during this decade.
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops shot and killed 5 colonists.
  • Tea Act of 1773

    This act was created to help bail out the East India Company.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of colonists snuck onto British import ships and dumped large amounts of tea into the ocean.
  • American Independence

    America gained its independence from Britain after winning the Revolutionary War.
  • Dirty Compromise

    New England and the Deep South agreed to the Dirty Compromise at the Constitutional Convention.
  • Constitution Ratification

    Congress ratified the constitution making it officially in effect.
  • Washington becomes first president

    George Washington is elected as the first president of the United States, getting every single vote
  • Haitian Revolution

    Slaves from Haiti that were brought to Virginia revolted.