
By Silk
  • 1700

    250,000 settlers in English colonies.
  • Period: to


  • 1704

    First colonial newspaper.
  • 1720

    Colonial economic life quickens.
  • 1732

    Georgia Colony.
  • 1732

    Gorge Washington was born.
  • 1739-1744

    Great Awakening.
  • 1752

    Ben Franklin Discovers Electricity.
  • 1756-1763

    French and Indian War.
  • 1763

    Proclamation Line established.
  • 1763-1764

    Pontiac's Rebellion.
  • 1763

    Proclamation of 1763.
  • 1764-1765

    Sugar Act and Stamp Act Controversies.
  • 1766

    Declaratory Act.
  • 1767

    Townshend Act, New York Assembly suspended.
  • 1770

    Boston Massacre.
  • 1772

    Committees of Correspondence formed.
  • 1773

    Boston Tea Party.
  • 1773

    Tea Act.
  • 1774

    Coercive Acts, First Continental Congress convenes.
  • 1775

    Revolution begins with fighting at Lexington and Concord.
  • 1776

    Declaration of Independence. WOOT WOOT!
  • 1777

    British defeated at Saratoga.
  • 1778

    French join the war against the British.
  • 1781

    Battle of Yorktown.
  • 1781

    Articles of Confederation ratified.
  • 1783

    Peace signed in Paris.
  • 1784-1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1784, 1785, and 1787.
  • 1786

    Annapolis Convention.
  • 1787

    Shays' Rebellion.
  • 1787

    Constitutional Convention.
  • 1788

    Federalist Papers written.
  • 1788

    Constitution ratified.
  • 1789

    George Washington inaugurated as President of the United States.
  • 1789

    French Revolution begins.
  • 1790

    Capital placed on the Potomac River.
  • 1794

    Whiskey Rebellion.
  • 1799

    December 14, 1799, Washington died at his Mount Vernon home.
  • 1800

    Jefferson elected.