gabe entry 1 and logan a little bit

  • The red scare

    The red scare
    The Americans feared that the soviet union would spread communism over the world. Joesph McCarty made a commity hoping to end the governments influence on communism. He created the HUAC comity.
  • end of world war 2

    end of world war 2
    After the war ended in 1945 the soviet union and the united states emerged as the worlds superpowers.
  • nato organized

    nato organized
    An international organization created by the North Atlantic treaty for security reasons.
  • berlin airlift

    berlin airlift
    When the airlift began, there were onl 2 airfields in existance in Berlin.
  • china goes communist

    china goes communist
    China became the worlds largest communist party.
  • korean war

    korean war
    It was a conflict between
    North and South korea. It started from the attemp of the two korean powers trying to re-unify korea. Before the war was marked by escalating border conflicts at the 38th parallel. The north
    invaded the South first. It ended in a stalemate.