1607-1775: The Settlement of the New World to the American Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Colonial Period

  • Jamestown Struggles

    Most of the original English settlers starve to death in the winter 1609-1610. Settlers are forced to begin growing food along side their tobacco.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Ex-indentured workers led by Nathaniel Bacon cause trouble concerning the Indians in the Western counties of Virginia. Plantation owners begin to search for alternative labor sources.
  • The French and Indian War Ends

    English victory in this war leads to British domination over civilized North America.
  • Townshend Acts

    A number of taxes placed on goods in the colonies. Due to violent protests, most of the taxes were repealed.
  • The Boston Massacre

    English troops fire into a mob of colonists in the streets of Boston. This brings to the surface the rising tensions between the Colonies and the Mother country.