Tl 1993 1

Cory & Nick's Timeline

  • Balfur Declaration

    Balfur Declaration
    Arthur J. Balfur sent the Balfur declaration in the form of a letter to the British Zionist Leader.
  • Jewish Immigration

    Jewish Immigration
    Jewish Immigration was greatly restricted into Palestine by the British Government.
  • U.N. Partition Plan

    U.N. Partition Plan
    The U.N. passed a plan to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. However, Britain and the U.N. failed to implement the plan, and it was rejected by the Arabs. This led to the first Arab-Israel war.
  • 1st Arab-Israeli War

    1st Arab-Israeli War
    The war lasted 13 months and was the cause of 700,000 Arabs fleeing the area.
  • Israel Founded

    Israel Founded
    Declaration of Independence of the state of Israel was publicly read in Tel Aviv.
  • Palestinian Refugees

    Palestinian Refugees
    Between the periods of 1917 to 1949, Israel occupied 78% of the land of Palestine and evicted or caused to flee 750,000 Palestinian refugees to the Gaza Strip.
  • Suez War

    Suez War
    Egypt refused to allow Israeli ships through the Suez Canal, which caused many incidents along the Egypt border. This eventually caused the second Arab-Israel war to erupt.
  • PLO is Formed

    PLO is Formed
    The Palestine Liberation Organization is founded in Cairo. It's first leader was Ahmad Shuqeiri, though the Egyptian Government had ultimate control over it.
  • Arafat at the U.N.

    Arafat at the U.N.
    Yasser Arafat, the chairman of the PLO addresses the U.N. General Assembly. The PLO is recognized as the sole representation of the Palestinians.
  • Russian Jews

    Russian Jews
    Thousands of Russian Jews immigrated to Israel.
  • Sadat Assassinated

    Sadat Assassinated
    President Mohammed Anwar el Sadat of Egypt was assassinated by several Israeli gunmen.
  • The Intifade

    The Intifade
    Many Palestinians attacked Israeli soldiers with rocks, which eventually turned into Molotov cocktails and hand grenades. This eventually would kill hundreds of Israeli soldier.
  • OSLO I Agreement

    OSLO I Agreement
    OSLO I was signed in order to establish Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and other areas of Israel.
  • Rabin Assassinated

    Rabin Assassinated
    Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was shot three times by a Right-wing extremist that believed that his quest for peace was a betrayal of Jewish ideals.
  • Israel and PNA signed Wye Memorandam

    Israel and PNA signed Wye Memorandam
    A political agreement between Israel and the Palestine Authority was signed at Wye River, MD.
  • Camp David Talks

    Camp David Talks
    An attempt at a 'final status settlement' that failed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Palestinian Cities Under Attack

    Palestinian Cities Under Attack
    Many Israeli forces attacked Palestinian towns and cities throughout the West Bank.
  • Shan el-Shaik Summit

    Shan el-Shaik Summit
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared a formal end to the fighting.
  • Lebanon 2006 July War

    Lebanon 2006 July War
    Israel bombed many Palestinian buildings and attacked many Palestinian troops.
  • Lebanon Conflict

    Lebanon Conflict
    Fighting broke out between Fatah al-Islam (Islamic militant organization) and the Lebanese Armed Forces. The LAF declared Victory on September 7th.
  • Hamas holds Gaza Population Hostage

    Hamas holds Gaza Population Hostage
    Hamas seizes all fuel, food, and medical supplies going into Gaza.