
  • Burned alive

    Burned alive
    Frei Diogo Da Assumpacao was a Jewish frar who converted to judism and was arrested trying to flee England and was inprisoned. He was forced to renounce Judism and took beatings to try and keep his Judism alive. Realizing he would not cooperate he was burned alive at the age of 25. His arguments aginst chrisitianity gained wide populatity (Berman).
    (Burned Alive)
  • A chargable offence

    A chargable offence
    A small Marrano colony, founded by Queen Elizabeth, was expelled on charges of Judaizing (Berman).
    (Queen Elizabeth)
  • Raid

    Vincent Fettmilch, attacked the synagogue while the community was praying, they were soon overpowered and distroyed the entire community. He called himself "new Haman of the Jews" and two years later was hung for this raid (Berman).
    (Vincent Fettmilch)
  • 3o years war

    3o years war
    War between 1618 and 1638. between catholic and prodistant forces in Europe. Jews suffered during the war because they were made to be imperial soldiers. Thoughout may towns the Jewish population was expelled. Which resulted in thousands fleeing the country. After the war many countrys encouraged Jews to settle and help rebuild there economies (Atkinson).
    (Thirty Year's War)
  • The Finch prediction

    The Finch prediction
    Sir Henry Finch, the legal advcisour of King James the first, called to restore the jews to their home land in his treatise, "The Worlds Great Restoration". This was the first english acceptance of jews. Sir Henry perdicted that the jews will once again have their home land and a world wide empire (Birnbaum).
    (Canada Turned Away)
  • Pope Urban the eigth

    Pope Urban the eigth
    Pope Urban was a great patrion of the catholic religion. He fought to increase missionaries in countries to spread catholisism. One of his strikes against the jews was to forbid them from erecting grave stones (Birnbaum).
    (Need a new pope)
  • Readmitance

    The first pation to readmit the jews to England was called for by Lord Fairfax. The petiton called for "repealing the act of Parlament" for their banisment of England. Due to turmoil in England in the exicution of King Charles the petiton was never given a hearing (Plant).
    (King Charles 1)
  • Coffee

    A jewish merchanct by the name of Jacob opened the first coffee house at Oxford nad is credited for the first contribute of coffee to the public (Hyamson).
    (Coffee Shop)
  • First try

    First try
    This was the first wave of immigration. The Jewish population rose to ten thousand as Jews left from every county to immigrate to the north america colonies (Berman).
    (Jewish Immigration)
  • Jamaica

    The British conquered Jamaica from Spain. There they found the Marranos, who were jews from Spain and Portegul who were forced to convert to christianity. They accepted the Jewish religion back, and built a synagauge in this same year (Berman).
    (Jews Converted to Christianity)
  • Cromwellian Protectorate

    Cromwellian Protectorate
    Menasseh ben Israel went to London with his followers and family and personally petitioned Cromwell for the readmission of the Jews. Cromwell met with him and then a committee of the Council of State, and it was agreed that a conference should be come together to hear his plea. The petition requested citizenship and freedom. The hearing was postponed by William Prynne for a couple of years (Ferdinando).
    (Saphardic Genealogy-England)
  • Crypto Jews

    Crypto Jews
    Abraham Israel Carvajal and his two sons received residency rights as "crypto Jews", becoming the founder of the London Jews community. He became a leader in the community and was very popular around everyone (Ferdinando).
    (Abraham Israel Carvajal)
  • Back to court

    Back to court
    The question of the re-admittance of the Jews was brought to a conference of notables. The judges decided that there was no reason which excluded the Jews from the country. Cromwell dissolved the commission (Jaycee).
    (Virtual Jewish World)
  • Small Success

    Small Success
    After the English-Spanish war, Jews living in England petitioned Cromwell to be allowed to stay in England, saying they were Maranos, not Spaniards. Although Cromwell chose not to reply officially, he allowed the community to establish a Jewish Cemetery, and to have protection during prayers. His agreement was on the condition that there was no public Jewish worship. This is considered to mark the official end of the expulsion of the Jews from England (Coulton).
    (Taking Liberties)
  • Not a Spaniard

    Not a Spaniard
    Antonio Robles, a jewish merchant, had his goods confiscated at the outbreak of the war with Spain. Robles argued that he was a Portuguese of the Hebrew nation and not Spanish, and so his property should be returned to him. The Council decided in his favor, strengthening the position of the community and opening the door for allowing Jews to live in England as Jews. This is a landmark in the Jewish community (Hessayon).
    (At War With Spain)
  • A new start

    A new start
    Jacob Lumbrozo, a doctor and the first British Jew known to have settled in the colony, was arrested under the Toleration Act of 1649. This act imposed the death penalty for anyone denying the basics of Christianity. Even though Lumbrozo was saved by amnesty, it was not until the "Jew Bill" passed in 1826 that Jews could hold public office without submitting to a Christian oath (Hessayon).
    (Two Acts of Toleration: 1649 and 1826)
  • King Charles

    King Charles
    Earlier in the year, Thomas Violet had petitioned the London city council and the King demanding the re-expulsion of all Jews. King Charles, who recently regained the English throne, sent a Royal message to Parliament asking them to take the protection of the Jews into consideration. The Violet's petition was rejected (Jaycee).
    (Royal Oak Day - The Restoration on Rightful Monarchy under King Charles II, 1660)
  • Regulations

    The Sephardi community drew up regulations for Jewish communal organizations. They were known as the Ascamot, meaning agreement. The original document was written in Portuguese and one of the regulations against the founding of another synagogue was evenually argued in court (Jaycee).
  • A big step

    A big step
    The first Anglo-Jewish charity, Hebra of Bikur Holim, was set up for visiting the sick. This showed how the Jewish community was establishing themselves and coming together to remain a permentant, acceptated society (Gladstone).
  • Superstar arrives

    Superstar arrives
    Arriving in England this year was Benjamin Levy, who was credited with founding of the London Ashkenazi community. He became very wealthy as a broker and purchased the first Ashkenazi cemetery in 1696. He then became one of the 12 original Jewish brokers in London two years later (Berman).
    (Swag Bucks)
  • Unlawful law

    Unlawful law
    Conventicle Act of 1664 made it so that any prayer meeting of more the five people, that was not according to the Book of Common Prayer, would be considered seditious. The act had been originally created as a device against the Puritans, but soon Jews were prosecuted too. The Jews requested the King to either be allowed freedom of worship or to be allowed to leave the country with their possessions. Charles II ordered the Attorney General to stop prosecuting the offenders (Hessayon).
    (Juel Lane)