1600 jamestown

1600-1699 Timeline

  • Establishment of Jamestown

    Establishment of Jamestown
    This was the first permanent English colony in America. The colony was established in the region ruled by a Powhatan chief off the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Establishment of Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Establishment of Santa Fe, New Mexico
    The capital in New Mexico, known as Santa Fe is established by Spain.
  • Creation of the House of Burgesses

    Creation of the House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was formed in Jamestown. This was the first elected general assembly of the colonies which ultimately created the foundation for democracy in America.
  • First African Slaves Arrive at Jamestown

    First African Slaves Arrive at Jamestown
    The first African American slaves for English North America arrive at Jamestown. These slaves were kidnapped by Portuguese forces and ordered onto a ship that set sail for a colony in New Spain. They ended up in Virginia and were bought by the colonists.
  • Mayflower Compact Signed

    Mayflower Compact Signed
    The Mayflower Compact was a set of rules for self-governing created by the English settlers that traveled to America on the Mayflower.
  • Indian Massacre of 1622

    Indian Massacre of 1622
    The Native American attack on the colonists in Virginia destroyed a quarter of Jamestown and resulted in 347 deaths. This took place in Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Establishment of Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Establishment of Massachusetts Bay Colony
    British settlement and the most successful colony in New England.
  • Pequot War Begins

    Pequot War Begins
    Armed conflict between the Pequot tribe and an alliance of English settlers over the inability to control trade. The Pequot tribe wanted to remain dominant economically and politically through their trading of fur and wampam, but the English wanted to break that.
  • Pequot War Ends

    Pequot War Ends
    The official ending of the Pequot war occurred in September when the Treaty of Hartford was signed. The treaty stated that the Pequot tribe would have to disperse among other tribes and no longer go by the name of Pequot.
  • Beginning of English Civil War

    Beginning of English Civil War
    A series of civil wars between Parliamentarians and Royalists over England's governing and religious conflicts.
  • Creation of New England Confederation

    Creation of New England Confederation
    A military alliance between the New England colonies, Plymouth, New Haven, Massachusetts Bay, and Connecticut. The alliance was formed to provide more support against attacks from the French, Dutch, and Native Americans.
  • Ending of English Civil War

    Ending of English Civil War
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    The rebellion of Virginian colonists grew out of tensions between Native Americans and English Settlers as well as tensions caused by wealthy landowners and poor settlers.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    A series of hearings and prosecutions of people who were believed to be practicing witchcraft in Massachusetts. Many were found guilty and some were executed by hanging.
  • Capital of Virginia Changes

    Capital of Virginia Changes
    The capital of Virginia changes from Jamestown to Williamsburg and Jamestown is slowly abandoned.