1600-1876 Major Dates Timeline

  • Period: 1530 to

    English Reformation

  • Period: to

    Loss of Puebloan People

    It went from sixty thousand in 1600 and plummeted to seven thousand remaining
  • Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia) is Formed

    Formed by traders
  • Death of Queen Elizabeth 1st

    Before England had established a settlement in the New World
  • Peace Between England and Spain

  • James 1st approved the creation of Virginia Company

    Named after the virgin queen, Queen Elizabeth 1st
  • Englishmen went on three boats

    Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery
  • Quebec is Formed

    Samuel de Champlain established Quebec in Canada
  • Dutch commissioned Henry Hudson to discover the Northwest Passage through North America

    Hudson failed to find the Northwest Passage, but succeeded in finding the Hudson River and claimed New York for the Dutch.
  • Period: to

    The Starving Times

    Supplies were lost at sea that were supposed to arrive for the settlers in Virginia
  • 60 Remain

    All but 60 English settlers survive through the Starving times
  • Period: to

    Santa Fe was Established

  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe are Married

    Eased relations between English and Powhattan tribe.
  • Rolfe makes the first Tobacco Plant

    Rolfe crossed strains of tobacco and made the tobacco that would make Virginia so profitable
  • First Tobacco Cargo was Sent to England

  • "Headright Policy"

    Any person who migrated to Virginia would automatically receive fifty acres of land and any immigrant whose passage they paid would entitle them to fifty acres more.
  • House of Burgesses

    Limited representative body composed of white landowners that first met in Jamestown.
  • Creation of Plymouth Colony

    Founded by the Pilgrims
  • Netherlands chartered Dutch West India Company

    Established colonies in Africa, the Caribbean, and North America.
  • Powhatan died, and was succeeded by his brother

  • Opechancanough launches an attack on colonists

    (Powhatan's brother vowed to send the colonists back to sea). He killed over 350 colonists
  • New Amsterdam is formed

    New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island
  • Peter buys Manhattan from the Munsee

  • Creation of Massachusetts Bay

  • Great Migration

  • Period: to

    More Colonsists

    20,000 people traveled to New England
  • Charles I sets aside land for a new colony

    Charles I set a tract of about 12 million acres of land at the northern tip of the Chesapeake Bay aside for a second colony in America
  • Period: to

    American Colonies are formed

  • Connecticut Formed

  • Rhode Island Formed

  • Hooker settles Newtown (Hartford)

    Hooker led one hundred people and a variety of livestock in settling an area they called Newtown (later Hartford).
  • Period: to

    Pequot War

  • English Puritans attack Pequots

    An armed contingent of English Puritans from Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Connecticut colonies trekked into Native American territory that was claimed by New England. Referring to themselves as the “Sword of the Lord,” this military force intended to attack the Pequots. They burned everything down and few escaped.
  • Period: to

    Governor Kieft’s War

  • Navigation Act of 1651

  • Period: to

    Esopus Wars

  • New Netherland is handed to English

    Dutch extended religious tolerance to those who settled in New Netherland, the population remained small. This left the colony vulnerable to English attack during the 1650s and 1660s, resulting in the handover of New Netherland to England in 1664.
  • Period: to

    King Charles II tightened English control over North America

  • King Philip's War

    The Mohegan tribe joined the Wampanoag war against the Puritans in King Philip's War.
  • Period: to

    King Philip’s War

  • Dominion of New England Founded

  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

  • North Carolina is founded as a Province

  • Decree of Sanctuary

  • Benjamin Franklin is Born

  • Slave Rebellion in New York

    A slave rebellion in New York results in the death of six people and the execution of 12 slaves.
  • Small Pox in Cape Town

    Small Pox is bought to Cape Town and spreads like wildfire
  • Daniel Boone is born

  • Stamp and Quartering Act

    Parliaments first direct tax on the American colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    First bloodshed of the American Revolution; 5 colonists were killed
  • Boston Tea Party

    Settlers stopped the English ships from unloading their cargo because of unfair taxation. So they disposed of the tea and dumbed it into the water
  • First Continental Congress Meeting

    56 Delegate joined in on the first Continental Congress meeting except for Georgia
  • American Revolution

    America began the fight against England for their own rights
  • Declaration of Independence was Written

    Written by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. Written to show their independence from Britain, it has now become a national symbol
  • Pennsylvania Passes first Abolition Act

    The state of Pennsylvania passes a law that all children born to slaves will be freed
  • Rhode Island becomes a State

    Rhode Island becomes the 13th and they ratify the US Constitution.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris was signed and the United States became an independent country.
  • Cotton Gin was made by Eli Whitney

  • Third Treaty of San Ildefonso

    In secret treaty with Spain, the treaty of San Ildefonso, France regains Louisiana.
  • Ohio becomes a State

  • The US becomes profitable in Cotton

  • New York Frees Slaves

  • Gold Rush in California

  • Paper Money

    The very first issued paper money is created in the United States
  • Wyoming and Women

    Women are allowed to vote in the state of Wyoming
  • Utah and Women

    Utah allows women to vote in their territory
  • The First Telephone

    Alexander Grahm Bell invents the telephone.