
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president

    He is the 3rd president of the U.S.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Through negotiations with Napoleon, the U.S. gained the territory for 15 million dollars. This helped westward expansion.
  • Embargo Act

    Made by Jefferson, and it prohibited American trade with foreign nations in an attempt to punish Britain and France.
  • War of 1812

    Between Britain and the U.S., caused by restriction on trade and impressments
  • Missouri Compromise

    This compromise made Missouri and slave state and Maine a free state. This was an attempt to keep the North and South together, but it only ended in more problems.
  • Indian Removal Act

    This act removed all the Indian and forced them to live in the West, despite them complying to all the American's previous requests. This also started the Trail of Tears.
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina becomes the first state to secede from the Union, and this leads to the entire South seceding and forming the Confederacy.
  • Lincoln elected as President

    Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th president and was very controversial due to his views on slavery.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    The Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) fought in a bloody war over slavery and states' rights. The North ended up winning and slavery was abolished.
  • Lincoln assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while at the theatre.