1600-1700: Colonization and Slave Trade

  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    Settled by the English
  • New Netherlands (Present day: New York)

    Settled by the Dutch
  • Slavery

    First black slaves sold in Jamestown. Slaves make up a 1/3 of Virginia's population and 2/3 of the Carolinas.
  • New England

    New England
    1630-1660 20,000 Puritans came to New England (Boston area)
  • Maryland

    Settled by English Catholics
  • Rhode Island and Connecticut

    Settled by the English
  • The Carolinas

    Settled by Anglican English and Barbadians. Later, people from Ireland, France, and other West Indie Islands immigrate here.
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by William Penn (and Quakers)
  • Lousiana Territory

    Lousiana Territory
    Claimed by LaSalle for France
  • Pennsylvania

    Immigrants from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales arrive
  • San Francisco de los Tejas (Texas)

    Spanish Settlement
  • Colonial Population: 275,000

    Colonial Population: 275,000