
  • Arrival at Jamestown

    English settlers chose Jamestown, Virginia to be the first permanent settlement of America. It was named after King James 1.
  • The House of Burgesses

    The first representatives assembly meets in America and the first African slaves were brought to America.
  • Mayflower lands at Plymouth

    The Pilgrims on the Mayflower made it to Massachusetts.
  • Good Friday Assault

    Virginia Indians killed many in surprise attacks with the hope that they would leave, but obviously they did not.
  • John Locke's fundamental constitutions of Carolina

    It associated with religious freedom and lower property requirements in regards to voting. The constitutions were rejected by many in the Carolina's.
  • Period: to

    King Philip's War

    It was a war between the indigenous people and the colonists of New England. The colonists had been taking the Native Americans land. In Conclusion, the colonists won, King Philip was killed, and the Native Americans were cleared out.
  • Monmouths Rebellion

    This was an attempt to overthrow James ll and resulted in the defeat of Monmouth's Army.
  • Navigation Act

    This act restricted American trade. It made it to wear only British citizens could trade with the colonies, it made some commodities that were produced to only be exported to the British, and made it to where only British ships could move imported and exported goods from New America.