
  • Settlers leave England for the New World

    the ships are called Constant Godspeed and Discovery
    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • The settlers land in Jamestown

    They were funded by the Virginia Company by King James I
    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • The first two women arrive in Jamestown

    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • John Smith decided as the colony's leader

    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • John Smith returns to England

    due to a gunpowder accident
    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • Period: to

    "Starving time"

    After John Smith left the colonist went into a time of fighting with the natives, starving, and disease
    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • Settlers arrive from England with supplies

    These settlers are what kept Jamestown alive, as the current colonist were ready to give up after the long winter.
    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • The introduction of tobacco

    The introduction of this cash crop truly saved Jamestown by giving them an export to make money
    (Historyisfun.org Writer, 2018).
  • House of Burgesses came to be

    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • First African slaves brought to Jamestown

    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • The Pilgrims land in Massachusetts

    On a ship Called the Mayflower
    (Brooks, 2016)
  • Period: to

    Nearly half the Pilgrims in Massachusetts die

    Due to disease and starvation during their first winter
    (Brooks, 2016)
  • Pilgrim-Wampanoag Peace Treaty signed

  • First Thanksgiving

    It was to thank the Native Americans for helping them through their first successful harvest
    (Brooks, 2016)
  • Roger Williams is ordered banished from Massachusetts

    For critizing the colony
    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Peter Minuit buys Manhattan from Native Americans

    names it new Amsterdam
    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Dutch West India Company gives land grants

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • John Winthrop elected as governor of Massachusetts Bay colony

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • John Winthrop leads 900 colonist to settle Massachusetts Bay colony

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • First school founded in new Amsterdam

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • First settlers for the New Maryland colony arrive in the New World

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Confrontations occur between Virginia and Maryland based on boundary dispute

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Roger Williams is banished from Massachusetts

    after critizing the colony
    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Thomas Hooker arrive in Hartford Connecticut

    He founds the first church of the territory
    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • The Township Act is passed in the Massachusetts Bay general court

    giving towns the ability to govern themselves
    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Roger Williams founds Rhode Island

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Harvard is founded

    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • Anne Hutchinson leaves for Rhode Island

    and founds Portsmouth with William Coddington
    (ThoughtCo.com Writer, 2018)
  • England passes the Navigation Act

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Anglo Dutch war begins

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Massachusetts Bay declares independence

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Maryland gets rid of the Toleration Act

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Civil war starts between Catholics and Puritans

    due to Toleration act revocation
    (Kelly, 2018)
  • New Amsterdam banishes Quakers forced to go to Rhode Island

    forced to go to Rhode Island
    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Massachusetts does not give freedom of religion to Quakers

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • English take New Amsterdam from the Dutch

    Rename it New York
    (Infoplease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Period: to

    King Phillip’s War begins

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Nathiel Bacon leads Bacon’s Rebellion

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • King William's War begins

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • College of William and Mary is founded

    (Kelly, 2018)
  • Massachusetts requires all Roman Catholic priests to leave the colony

    (Kelly, 2018)