1600 1700


  • Jamestown

    The First permanent English settlement in North America on the banks of the James River.
  • Discover Lake Champlain

    Discover Lake Champlain
    Samuel Champlain battles an Iroquois party after his further exploration of the New World discovers Lake Champlain in early July.
  • Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

    Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
    Pocahontas marries John Rolfe, who would bring tobacco seeds to the colony and begin its harvesting this year. Their marriage would led to 8 years of peace among the colonists and Indians.
  • First representative assembly

    First representative assembly
    First representative assembly, the House of Burgesses, held in America is elected in Jamestown.
  • Settlement in Plymouth

    Settlement in Plymouth
    Puritans begin to establish settlement in Plymouth. They then form the Mayflower Compact, which established a government and legal structure.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    The first Thanksgiving is held in autumn and last for 3 days it was held between the Pilgrims and members of the Wampanoag tribe. In honor of the Pilgrims successful harvest.
  • Maryland founded

    Maryland founded
    Maryland is founded as a catholic colony and promotes religious tolerance. The founders were George Calvert and Lord Baltimore.
  • Attck on the English

    Attck on the English
    Opechancanough and the Powhatan Indians attack the English at Jamestown, but they are unsuccessful
  • Slavery is Legalized

    Slavery is Legalized
    Slavery is legalized in Connecticut and recognized in the American colonies.
  • The Navigation Act

    The Navigation Act
    The Navigation Act is passed by British Parliament to control colonial commerce in the New World.
  • The Indian War

    The Indian War
    The Indian War between the Narragansett Indians and colonist in New England.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion causes the burning of Jamestown. Nathanial Bacon would lead the rebellion of planters against Governor Berkeley.
  • Quakers settle in Pennsylvania

    Quakers settle in Pennsylvania
    William Penn was the founders of the Quakers. William welcomed Catholics and Quakers. He pronounced religious tolerance for all.
  • Jamestown abandoned

    Jamestown abandoned
    Jamestown was abandoned after the statehouse was burned down in 1698