
  • English East India company established

  • Jamestown Virgina established

    First permanent English Colony
  • Samuel de Champlain established first Quebec colony

  • Start of thirty years war

    Protestants revolt against Catholic oppression.
  • First slaves in America

    A dutch ship brings the first African slaves to America
  • Mayflower lands at Plymouth rock

  • New Netherland founded by Dutch West India Company

  • Massachusetts Bay colony founded

  • Maryland founded by Baltimore

  • English Civil War

    Cavaliers supporters of Charles 1 vs Parliament and their roundhead supporters
  • End of thirty years war

  • Charles ll is crowned King of England

  • British take New Amsterdam from Dutch

  • Great plague kills 75000 London

  • Great Fire of London

  • James ll succeeds Charles ll in England

  • william lll of England defeats former King James ll and irish rebels at Battle of the Boyne