
  • The Naval Battle of Bantam

    The Dutch Forces had 5 vessels and the Portuguese had a larger fleet and the Dutch defeated them
  • William Shakespeare dies

    He fell ill and died after a long night of drinking with fellow writers
  • African slaves transported

    The sugar industry is killing the African slaves in the west indies so they are transporting slaves there
  • Boston was founded

  • Roger Williams arrives in present day Rhode Island

    He arrives here with twelve others to establish a settlement
  • Pequot Indians killed 600 members of the Massachusetts Bay colony

  • People in Moscow rebelling

    A tax is put on salt and they were angry at this so they revolted
  • King of England gave a monopoly to the Hudson Bay Company

  • Pueblo Revolt

    Pueblo Indians capture Santa Fe from the Indians
  • Grand Alliance

    England, The Dutch Republic, and the Holy Roman Empire were all against the French