
By IHungy
  • Jamestown

    First permanent English settlement
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    First representative Assembly. Over time, necessary for all colonies to have some type of representative government
  • Plymouth colony

    Plymouth colony
    Pilgrims establish in Massachusetts from england
    and Sign the Mayflower Compact
  • First African Slaves

    First African Slaves
    African slaves are brought to North America
  • Mayflower set sail

    Mayflower set sail
    100 Men and Women set sail
  • Thanksgiving

    The first Thanksgiving celebrated
  • Period: to

    Puritan Revolution

    Sought to reduce the influence of ritual and hierarchy James I
  • Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts

    Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts
    Basis of Civil and criminal law until 18th century
  • Navigation Act of 1651 (Charles II colonial Policy)

    Navigation Act of 1651 (Charles II colonial Policy)
    Aimed at Dutch. Goods could be imported only by English ships
  • Navigation Act of 1660 (Charles II colonial Policy)

    Navigation Act of 1660 (Charles II colonial Policy)
    Certain enumerate articles produced in EMpire could only be shipped to England or to other British Colony
  • Virginia recognized slavery

  • Staple Act

    Staple Act
    All European goods must pass through England
  • Plantation Duty Act

    Colonial merchants pay a duty on enumerated articles shipped from one colony to another
  • Period: to

    King Philip's War

    Begins because Metacon was trying to keep his land from the English, but in 1675 they all banded together to get it (except Rhode Island).
    Metacon was killed and the English won.
  • Monmouth's Rebellion

    Monmouth's Rebellion
    Attempt to overthrow James II
    Deafet of Monmouth's Army
  • Period: to

    Glorious revolution

    Coup to overthrow King James II in 1688, Established constitutional monarchy, 1689 English of Bill of RIghts
  • Charter of 1691

    Massachusetts now a royal colony
  • Period: to

    Salem witch trials

    The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than two hundred people were accused. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging
  • Navigation Act of 1696

    Navigation Act of 1696
    Established admiralty courts