Peace of Augsburg
The Peace of Augsburg was a temporary settlement in Europe that helped with the religious conflict coming to light after the Reformation. The settlement was also called the Augsburg Settlement. It was signed in September of 1555. The settlement was written in the city of Augsburg, hence the Peace of Augsburg. It was a treaty between Charles V and the Holy Roman Emperor. -
Ottoman Sultan Suleyman I dies
Shah' Abbas becomes ruler of the Persian Safavid dynasty
England defeats Spanish Armada
England defeated the Spanish armada in the early summer of 1588. An armada is a fleet of warships that take over other vessels carrying goods from the west. They say the Spanish armada was defeated by the English fleet, but it was also impacted by a series of storms. The ships that were in the armada were loaded with armor and cannons. Due to this, other ships that were in those water also had to be as prepared. -
Rurik Dynasty Ends in Russia (Romanov succeed in 1613)
The Rurik Dynasty in Russia ended in late 1598. It ended because their ruler died without and heir. in 1613 it was succeeded by Romanov. It was easy for them to do that because the dynasty didn't have a rightful ruler. The Rurik Dynasty in Russia wasn't well known because it had a very short life span. -
Henry IV issues the Edict of Nantes
The Edict of Nantes was a document signed in Spring in 1598. It was signed so Calvinist Protestants could have rights in their countries. They needed that because countries in Europe were sill mainly Catholic. It was issued by King Henry IV of France. This was a major event in that time. -
Tokugawa Shogunate begins in Japan
30 years war begins
English found Massachusetts Bay Colony
Massachusetts is a state in the United States which was discovered by England. It became a colony of Great Britain until the Revolutionary war. The English began the settlement of Massachusetts in a town named Salem. The king of England at the time game explorers a charter to settle a deal with the natives there. Nine years earlier was the first Thanksgiving. -
China's Ming Dynasty is overthrown(Qing Dynasty succeeds)
Louis XIV begins absolutist rule in France
Pueblo Rebellion temporarily overthrows Spanish rule in New Mexico
The Pueblo Rebellion was also known as the Pope's Rebellion. It was a rebellion which was targeted towards the Spanish so they could take over New Mexico. They ended up killing 400 people and made 2,000 other people to flee to surrounding areas. The rebellion was cause because the Spanish wanted to convert the native to the Catholic Faith. The rebellion was an Indian uprising. -
La Salle claims Mississippi Valley for France
The Mississippi valley was originally only occupied by natives, and so it was later claimed by France. The Mississippi River Valley included where we live. Sadly, it drove many natives out of the homes which were theirs for hundred upon thousands of years.The United States bought the land from France years later. Even though France owned that land, not very many Frenchmen occupied it. -
Peter the Great visits the West
Peter the Great was an emperor of Russia. He wanted to travel west so he could experience the modern world and bring it back to Russia. He wanted to update his armies and bring new style to the people of his nation. Peter the Great reigned from 1672-1682. He ventured west early in his reign. -
Death of Aurangzeb, last great Mongul emperor