'Using the Web might get a lot pricier'
"Downloading music and watching movies online are relatively cheap entertainment now, but the flat-rate Internet plans that have kept costs down could disappear. " Source: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SmartSpending/FindDealsOnline/using-the-web-might-get-a-lot-pricier.aspx -
The term Net Neutrality is introduced.
It is designed with the sole purpose of codifying net neutrality, making it mandatory for telecommunications companies and service providers comply with the principles of net neutrality which requires impartial, timely delivery of content to Internet users regardless of its nature or cost to convey via the network. -
Tim Wu: ' Why You Should Care About Network NeutralityThe future of the Internet depends on it!'
Tim Wu warns Slate readers of the potential threat to an open Internet if carriers are allowed to discriminate against content providers on their basis to pay for content delivery using carreiers' networks. He also explains why preventing centralized control over the future of the Internet is a public good. Source: http://www.slate.com/id/2140850/fr/rss/ -
Tim Berners-Lee warns of threat to net neutrality.
'Battle Building Over Net 'Tollgate': Sides clash over issue of 'Net neutrality'
"Few things have as much potential to create a litigation war zone next year as the possible fight over control of the pipes feeding all the content over the Internet." Source: http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1157462045308 -
'Father of internet warns against Net Neutrality'
"Robert Kahn, the most senior figure in the development of the internet, has delivered a strong warning against "Net Neutrality" legislation." Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/01/18/kahn_net_neutrality_warning/ -
'Twelve Billion Bargaining Chips: The Web Side of the Net Neutrality Debate'
In his Jan.-Feb. 2007 column in IEEE, Daniel Weitzner explains the intrinsic value of neutrality in the online environment and demonstrates why it remains essential for the successful ongoing development of web-technologies.
Abstract: http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/MIC.2007.25 -
'FTC shoots down Net Neutrality, says it is not needed'
"The Federal Trade Commission today dealt a serious blow to "Net neutrality" proponents as it issued a report dismissive of claims that the government needs to get involved in preserving fairness of networks in the United States." Source: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2007/06/ftc-shoots-down-net-neutrality-says-it-is-not-needed.ars -
'Hundreds Weigh in on Net Neutrality: Comments from groups and individual Internet users were filed with the FCC'
"Hundreds of groups and individual Internet users sounded off to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission on net neutrality in comments filed Monday, the deadline for responding to the agency's inquiry into the proposed regulation." Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/134632/hundreds_weigh_in_on_net_neutrality.html -
'Comcast Discloses Throttling Practices — BitTorrent Targeted'
"Comcast came clean with the Federal Communications Commission late Friday, detailing how it throttled and targeted peer-to-peer traffic — maneuvers it has repeatedly denied." Source: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2008/09/comcast-disclos/ -
'Net neutrality: An American problem?'
"Leaders of Australia's largest ISPs declare 'net neutrality' to solely be a U.S. problem and state that the tiered model in use in Australia be adopted by U.S. network providers." Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10053045-94.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5 -
'Net Neutrality Advocates In Charge Of Obama Team Review of FCC'
"The Obama-Biden transition team named two long-time net neutrality advocates to head up its Federal Communications Commission Review team." Source: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2008/11/net-neutrality/ -
'Google, Industry Downplay 'Fast Lane' Plans'
"Google re-iterated its commitment to Net neutrality, and slammed a Wall Street Journal article that questioned the search engine's dedication to the cause as "confused." Source: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2336913,00.asp -
'More Tennesseans using broadband Internet'
"Tennessee broadband Internet adoption rose 16 percent from July 2007 to January 2008, according to a new report from Connected Tennessee, a state-run technology advocacy group." Source: http://nashville.bizjournals.com/nashville/stories/2008/12/15/daily32.html -
'Network Neutrality: What's the Next Step?'
'How Will the $7.2 Billion Allotted for Broadband Stimulus Be Spent?'
'U.S. Government Seeks Public's Input for Broadband'
'Boucher Has A Full Legislative Slate'
Ric Boucher (D-VA) discusses his plans for the 111th Congress, stating that net neutrality is not at the top of list. He claims that the status quo is working. Source: http://www.multichannel.com/article/191082-Boucher_Has_A_Full_Legislative_Slate.php -
'Cable show: Hill Staffers Tackle Satellite License First'
'FCC Opens Suggestions Box for Broadband Plan'
'FCC launches “transformative” inquiry on broadband'
"The FCC has released three major data collection probes on the state and future of national broadband, video competition, and minority media ownership. Ars checks in from the FCC meeting." Source: http://arstechnica.com/telecom/news/2009/04/fcc-launches-transformative-inquiry-on-broadband.ars -
'Time Warner Pricing Plan Draws More Opposition'
'Beyond Content Neutrality: Understanding Content-Based Promotion of Democratic Speech'
Ammori, Marvin. Beyond Content Neutrality: Understanding Content-Based Promotion of Democratic Speech. (April 15, 2009). Federal Communications Law Journal, Vol. 61, No. 2: pp. 273-324. March 2009. Source: http://www.law.indiana.edu/fclj/pubs/v61/no2/7-AMMORIFINAL.pdf -
Time Warner Cable shelves its plan to impose excessive Internet fees
Time Warner Cable shelves its plan to impose excessive Internet fees against those who use the Web for more than email and basic surfing. Reference: http://www.savetheinternet.com/blog/2009/04/16/internet-users-roar-cable-giant-blinks/ -
'Local Tech-Savvy Duo Steps Onto Federal StageTwo to Lead Work On Obama's Bold Digital Ambitions'
'Senator Calls for New Net Neutrality Rules'
'Senator to FCC: time for black-and-white net neutrality rules '
"Oregon Senator Ron Wyden says it's time for the FCC to get with the program regarding net neutrality, somehow. Ars reports from the Computer & Communications Industry Association's Annual Washington Caucus." Source: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/05/senator-pressures-fcc-on-net-neutrality.ars -
'FTC Chair OK with Paying For Higher-Speed Broadband'
'FTC May Enforce Net Neutrality'
'What a non-neutral 'Net looks like, UK-style'
Author Nate Anderson describes how one UK ISP throttles P2P traffic, uses bandwidth caps, throttles streaming online video, and throttles "heavy users" of the network. Source: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/06/what-a-non-neutral-net-looks-like.ars -
'Cable Group turns net neutrality around over ISP Fees'
"Small cable operators say they worried about content providers charging ISPs "discriminatory" access fees, which they say Disney does with ESPN360.com. They want the FCC to stop the practice before it spreads." Source: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/06/cable-group-turns-net-neutrality-around-over-isp-access-fees.ars -
'$4 Billion in Broadband Stimulus Grants Tied to Strict Net Neutrality Rules'
Broadband.gov, Workshops Kick Off Rollout
"A big component of this year's stimulus package was broadband deployment. In addition to allocating $7.2 billion in broadband grants, the bill also ordered the Federal Communications Commission to come up with a national broadband plan by February. " Source:http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2349698,00.asp -
'FCC Broadband Roadmap Aims to Bring Order to Stimulus Chaos'
'Wireless Net Neutrality?'
Jon Stokes and Matt Lasar comment on a WSJ report that suggests that AT&T and Verizon might face and antitrust investigation by the DOJ and FCC. They broach the subject of wireless net neutrality and argue that private telecommunications entities benefitting from government subsidies should be regulated for the commmon good. Reference: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/07/not-ready-ma-bell-2009-doj-antitrust-unit-looking-into-att-verizon.ars -
'Ma Bell2K? DOJ, FCC looking into AT&T and Verizon'
"A new report in the Wall Street Journal suggests that the Holder DOJ may be setting its sights on AT&T and Verizon for a possible antitrust investigation. The two companies control almost 90%of landlines and 60% of the mobile market." Source: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/07/not-ready-ma-bell-2009-doj-antitrust-unit-looking-into-att-verizon.ars -
'What Sotomayor Could Mean for network Neutrality and the First Amendment'
'Norway gets net neutrality—voluntary, but broadly supported'
'Stimulate Your Library: How libraries can benefit from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act'