
  • Jan 1, 1501


    Due to a series of expulsion in England, a majority of Jews resided primairly in Poland. During this time, a proverb was created about Poland being a "heaven for Jews". This started the settlers movement in Poland.There is no specific date to when they started migrating.
  • Jan 1, 1501


    Throughout Europe, England was the most tolerant on accepting Jews back into the country. Henry VII even used Jewish scholars to justify his first divorce. Being Jewish was still not socially acceptable, but it was slowly working its way up to that.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1501 to

    16th Century Poland

    At this point in England, Jews had been unwelcomed for quite awhile. If they were caught practicing religious beliefs, they were expelled or forced to convert to the Roman Cathloic Church, although there was no official enforcement of this law. Due to this, many Jews were forced to practice Judism in private.
    By the mid 16th century, more than 80% of European Jews resided in Poland. It was not socially acceptable to be a Jew in England until much later on in history.
  • Apr 21, 1509

    End of King Henry VII

    End of King Henry VII
    When King Henry VII dies, the country was very wealthy, well off and the king's position was in good standing. When Henry VIII took the thrown, he was a very intellegent, yet harsh and brutal man. He had made himself head of the Roman Cathloic Church, and by the end of his reign, he had destroyed everything his father had worked hard for. This did not benefit the Jews in England, but rather drove them farther away.
  • Sep 19, 1513

    Battle of Flodden

    Battle of Flodden
    Scotland attacks England while they are away fighting with France. With Henry VIII in France, they had thought it would be the perfect timing for an easy victory. Little did they know that in a period of two and a half hours, there would be over 15,000 casualties. This would mark the bloodiest battle Scotland faces until in 20th century.
    This is significant because it marks a 4 year long war with Scotland and France.
  • Mar 27, 1515

    Thomas Wolsey

    Thomas Wolsey
    Thomas Wolsey was promoted to the highest role in government, Lord Chancellor. He was in charge of the thrown until many years after Henry VIII had taken it. Wolsey pratically ran the country until his downfall, denying Henry VIII's divorce. Which caused the downfall of Kind Henry VIII, thus causing less problems in Jews being permitted back into England. He didn't need to consult with others before making laws. He is said to have "governed" the church.
  • Feb 27, 1527

    Divorce Crisis Begins

    Divorce Crisis Begins
    After being married to Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII had decided that he needed to divorce her to find a woman who could create his sucessor. His request for a nulled marriage had been rejected from the Church. Henry broke away from the church and got divorced. Within the next 14 years, he had 5 additional marriages, most of them ending rather badly.
    Fun Fact: Catherine of Aragon was married to Henry VIII's brother until his death, then she was married to Henry VIII.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Conversos Arrive in England

    Conversos Arrive in England
    Around this time, a handful of conversos, primarily traders, arrive in England. A conversos is a Jew who would have converted to Christianity.
  • Mar 27, 1532


    When Henry VIII broke away from the church, he ended up causing problems effecting the entire country. He had gotten the church to excommunicate him. Henry declaired that England was an empire and was no longer validating any excommunications or judgements from Rome. This is showing that Henry did not care for the people of his country and was more selfish than a leader. He was creating his own system primairly based on how it would help him. Since he has Jewish help, this allows acceptance.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    More Conversos Arrive in England

    More Conversos Arrive in England
    A second wave of conversos, mainly musicians, come to England.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death of King Henry VIII

    Death of King Henry VIII
    Henry VIII died and Edward VI, his only son, became his sucessor. This is the end to a terrible king who did not improve the country. Now there will be more hope for the Jews intollerance.
  • Jul 6, 1553

    Edward VI Dies

    Edward VI Dies
    Edward was suffering from TB. He was the Edward that liked the Jews and helped them get a place in society.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    Persecution of Protestants Begins

    Persecution of Protestants Begins
    The Christians would specialised in causing trouble at synagogues, and disrupting Jewish services in England. Then they would start to kill the Jewish People right then and there. They would also kill Christian people that converted to Judaism.
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth's Change

    Queen Elizabeth's Change
    When Queen Elizabeth came into power it changed slighlty for the Jewish People. Under her rule the first Marranos (spanish or Protuguese Jews) where allowed into England only as Christians. If they found Jewish people that were living in England and where not changing to Christian they would be killed. (Brinbaum)
  • Nov 27, 1558

    Elizabeth I Reign

    Elizabeth I Reign
    Known as one of the greatest monarchs in English history. Often compared to her sister.
  • The Merchant of Venice

    The Merchant of Venice
    Shakespeare writes the Merchant of Venice. There is no specific date as to when Shakespeare finished this play.