Oct 29, 1517
Start of Adventure
Tonight we leave for Senegal to dock our ship on Goree port in Africa. We sail from Sines Port, most southern of Porugal.My dear Gurtrude, is woried I will get lost a sea but Captin Edwards has assured my safety and to bring me back to Portugal. I trust in him to bring me a good adventure, to see new culture, and to get a generous pay. -
Period: Oct 29, 1517 to Mar 18, 1518
A Seaman's Adventure
Dec 13, 1517
Frozen Solid
We've finally arived at Goree. The freezing weather has given the vast major of men on the boat frostbite. I have gotten lucky enough to avoid this nightmare. In fear of lighting the caravan on fire, we couldn't light up fires exept for small candles. All men are glad to dock so we can build up next to a bundle of torched logs. -
Dec 14, 1517
Port of Goree
The spices here are so different than at home! The have over 20 spices in just 1 city. Captin Edwards said this isn't the half of it. Most of the seamen are still inside next to fires to warm up but I my curiousity got the best of me and I scuraged the city with the Captin. Tomarrow we will leave for Dixcove in Ghana. -
Feb 12, 1518
Warmer Days
I'm afraid that we have gotten lost at sea. We have trailed off from our route by over 15 days. If we don't arive at any port soon we will start starving from low supplies. Some of the men on our boat have started to get grouchy and are fighting each other for there food. The Captin hasn't let the fights get to brutal but emotions are high. -
Feb 17, 1518
Death Gone Over Board
Some of use wasn't lucky enough to get to port before passing away. It was a very mornful day as the corpse lay the oceans horizon. This morning we have spotted land and will be lucky enough to recieve a full meal instead of just a dinner. -
Feb 19, 1518
Our Goodbyes'
Luckly we have reach port called Bonny. This port is in Nigeria to many miles east of Dixcove. These sailors are weary of this journey and are abandoning the crew and settling in Bonny. I have trust in Captin Edwards because he gave me his word that we would make the journey to Luanda and back home. -
Feb 21, 1518
30 Men and Counting
Some many men have trailed off from the ship that we now have lost 30 men and counting. We started with 60 and now have now have a low number of 20. On the bright side we will get paid over twice the amount we were guaranteed. I have had thoughts of leaving but my dear Gurtrude keeps me staying. -
Mar 10, 1518
Nigeria Pirates
We are ariving at Bonny but a mysterious ship has trailed our ship. We put up all sails because we cannot fight with a meir 20 men. The warm breaze is pushing our ship fast, but not faster than the mini war-ship behind us. We can barely see the land on the horizon but is not close enough. -
Mar 11, 1518
The pirates started firing at our ship, we were defencless. We have no chioce but to turn over, belly up, to the cold hearted fools. I plea to be let go and dropped off near a port. They laugh at my desparity. Captin Edwards tries to convince them let our crew go and to keep him... but right then then they slit his throat in front of everyone. -
Mar 18, 1518
As Promised...
The pirates took us to a port called Calabar. At least I'm not going to die on that wretched sea. I got took off there man-o-war and placed in a trench, dug 6 feet into the ground with metal bars as ceilings. My death is coming and the only thing I regret is breaking my promise to Gurtrude. My last are.....