Lil wayne

15 econmic events that changed our econmy

  • Declaration of Indpendence

    A bill passed that started everything involving the US econmy.
  • Period: to

    15 events that changed the econmy

  • PANIC of the 1792

    Was a dinacal credit crisis. tried to drive up prices of stock to gain more money.
  • The alamo

  • treaty with britan

    We got land to expand on to find more oil production.
  • Panic of 1857

    Was a trade deficit.
  • Civil War

    The econmy went south after the south tried getting at the north so it sucked.
  • The Knickerbacker bank Failed

    300 banks failed and fiancianal person J.P morgan prevented the down fall of all banks.
  • Roaring 20's

    The roaring 20's was an huge econmiic growth then until the great depression.
  • Black Thursday

    The most devastating stock crash in history causing what we know as the Great Depression.
  • WW11 Boom

    After all the world spending for world war 2 and all the people basically had employment this was known as a boom.
  • Cold War

    A nuclear war almost another world war.
  • 100 Million Acre reserve.

    Desagnated over 100 million acres of land and it was for the oil reserves.
  • 9/11

    The buildings went down and so did our econmy because everything was down for a while.
  • Geroge Bush Tax cut

    Bush made the third biggest tax cut by cutting it 350 million dollars.
  • Finacial Regulation Bill

    The bill was passed so we would not have another econmic collaspe like we did in 2009.