
Ages and Stages 6 months- 1 year

  • BY 8 Months Intellectually

    BY 8 Months Intellectually
    Intellectually by 8 months, your baby cries in differents ways or tones to say he is wet, hurt, hungry, or just lonely. It will also Recognize familiar voices or sounds. Your baby learns by senses of hear sight smell taste and touch. He will begin to be able to focus his eyes on one object and reach for it. He will understand that when something is hidden it still exists somewhere and they can go uncover it and find it. Baby will explore world by touching, shaking, banging, and mouthing objects.
  • By 12 Months Intelectually

    By 12 Months Intelectually
    By 12 months, your baby will say his first word such as dada, mama, etc... They will dance or bob to music they like. They are also interested in picture books. Baby will begin to pay attention to conversations and will clap and wave hello or goodbye if prompted. They also like to place one object in another and understand small objects can go into bigger ones.
  • By 8 months Physically

    By 8 months Physically
    By the 8th month, baby weighs 14-23 lbs and is 25-30 in. long. His first teeth begin to appear and he needs 3-4 feedings per day. He can drink from a cup with help and can enjoy some solids. He will turn head sharply when no longer hungry and may sleep 11-13 hrs at night. True eye color is established and he can roll over. Picks up objects and can get into crawling position
  • By 12 months Physically

    By 12 months Physically
    By 12 months, baby weighs 17-27 lbs. and is 27-32 inches long. They will probably take one less nap during the morning and will begin to refuse or wean itself from breast or milk bottles. He needs 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between. He will enjoy drinking from a cup and eating finger foods. Will get into your cabinets, drawers, etc and crawls very well. Can pull self into standing position.
  • By 12 months Emotionally

    By 12 months Emotionally
    By 12 months, baby will know its name and those around him like family members. He likes to watch self in mirror and expresses a ton of anxiety toward strangers. Parent must be in sight at all times for complete comfort. He may offer toys and things to people but expects them to be returned. He may become attached to an object or blanket and will push things they do not want away
  • By 8 months Emotionally

    By 8 months Emotionally
    Baby will respond to its own name and shows fear of falling off high places like stairs. He will spend time watching and observing and responds differently to family than strangers. They will imitate sounds made by what's around them and show distress when a toy is taken. Smiles at their own reflection and shows confidence. He will also respond to the distress of others by crying. Anxiety is shown at seperation from parent
  • By 12 months Socially

    By 12 months Socially
  • Portion Sizes Rule Of Thumb...

    Portion Sizes Rule Of Thumb...
    One tablespoon of food can be given for each year of age. 18 month old can eat one and one half tablespoons of meat, starch, two vegetables and a fruit for a meal. You should always know how much your baby is eating so never feed your baby straight from the jar. And remember it takes several baby spoons to equal one tablespoon.
  • Other thoughts and food to be careful with

    Other thoughts and food to be careful with
    Do not put a baby in bed with a bottle of any liquid and avoid letting a baby suck on a bottle for a long period of time. Serve water to quench a babies thirst and no more than 3 snacks per day. Serve healthy snacks and limit sticky foods and candies. Always offer water with snacks. Be careful with honey (it causes a food poisoning) and also Salt and sugar can cause harm to your baby.
  • Nutritional Counseling Birth to a Year

    Nutritional Counseling Birth to a Year
    -Breast milk is best for the baby.
    -Babies birth weight will double in the first 4-6 months.
    -Choose an iron fortified infant formula
    - Babies cannot push food to back of mouth and swallow until after 4 months
    -Babies can learn to drink from a cup at 6 months

    How do I know if my baby is ready for solids????
    Baby is 6 months of age and may indicate to you that they need something a little more by waking you up more at night wanting to eat. You may also notice that he/she has lost their tongue-thrust reflex. (the automatic pushing out of food with their tongue)

    When Should my baby transition to a sippy cup?? Right around the time they begin to eat solids. They must have a good enough grasp to carry it up to their mouths and be able to hang on to it on their own.
    How much should my baby eat?? Your baby SHOULD eat as much as she WILL eat. Every baby is different and baby will always eat until satisifed. Dont worry about that.
  • Effects of Play Deprivation

    Effects of Play Deprivation
    Aggression and violence will develope in the child's behavior with a lack of play... along with anti-social behavior, a repression of emotions, learning disorders, and obesity.
  • Purpose of Play

    Purpose of Play
    Play at this age is a testing ground for language and reasoning to be connected later with challenges children will face in school. (literacy, math and science). Play will develope the child's self confidence and self- esteem and also a sense of strengths and weaknesses and a positive attitude toward learning. Play will develope brain and muscle activity.
  • Type Of Play at this age

    Type Of Play at this age
    -Children are just gaining mobility and learning about surrounding and environments.
    -Begin to understand that when something is hidden, dropped, or lost, it can be retrieved
    - Like to make different noises by dropping objects on or in different surfaces
    - They understand that smaller objects can go into bigger ones and they learn the concept of stacking things. Blocks are a good toy at this age
  • Disciplining your 6 month- 1 year old

    Disciplining your 6 month- 1 year old
    At this age in life the child does not understand discipline, therefore a timeout will do no good at all. Instead you just have to correct the behavior. Instead of yelling NO everytime you want them to stop, explain WHY... say things like ew gross, HOT, or Bad! They are learning what to do and not to do by the tone of your voice and how you say things. Simply yelling at them will do nothing except break a safety and trust bond with your baby.

    Baby's love to play peekaboo at this age.
    It can become a bonding moment for you and baby
    and it is sure to make them laugh.