14.4 (Nationalism in India andSouthwest Asia)

By frank97
  • Hindu Indian National Congress

    Hindu Indian National Congress
    Also known as thenCongress Party, the Hindus created this party where nationalistic feelings grew. It fought for Independance from the British.
  • Abd al-AzizIbn Saud

    Abd al-AzizIbn Saud
    In Arabia, Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud unified it and renamed it Saudi Arabia after his family. Just like Turkey, Islamic traditions and law were held in Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately the vision to modernize had many obstacles due to the religious acceptance in different areas.
  • Muslim League

    Muslim League
    A party created by the Muslims in 1906. This party grew nationalistic feelings on the people. It aimed towards the independance of the British.
  • Fall of the Ottoman Empire

    Fall of the Ottoman Empire
    Due to the Great War, the Ottoman Empire colapsed in 1918.
  • Amristar Massacre

    Amristar Massacre
    About 10,000 Muslims and Hindus gathered at a festival. This alliance alarmed the British and the commander at Amristar ordered his soldiers to fire at the crowd. After 10 minutes of heavy fire, about 400 Indians and 1,200 were injured. This made Indians mad and they went againts the British. They wanted Independence.
  • Rowlatt Act

    Rowlatt Act
    Laws set by the British which allowed the Government to send protesters to jail with out a trial. This lasted almost 2 years.
  • Mustafa Kemal and Turkey

    Mustafa Kemal and Turkey
    After the first world war, the Ottoman Empire fell and Turkey grew and became a republic. All of this was under Mustafa Kemal, a mastermind in battle who defended Turkey from the Greeks and British. After that, the last Sultan was ruled out of power and Mustafa Kemal became the new leader. He adapted Turkey´s government to one similar to European countries. As a result, his rule was so succesful and so special to the Turks that he was given the nickname "Father of the Turks".
  • Civil Disobediance

    Civil Disobediance
    This was endorsed by the Congress Party in 1920. Civil disobediance means to peacefuly not abey the unjust law in order to seek independence. This was brought up by Gandhi.
  • Strikes and Demonstrations

    Strikes and Demonstrations
    Because of Gandhi´s Riots using civil desobediance, Factories, trains and jails couldn´t be run. Thausands of Indians were arrested because even some peace prostests became riots.
  • Persia/Iran

    After being in spheres of influence of both the British and the Russians, the Persians revolted and an army officer was set to power. His name was Reza Shah Pahlavi and he modernized his country. He industralized it and in 1935 changed the name of Persia to Iran.
  • 1920s-1930s oil deposits

    1920s-1930s oil deposits
    All over South West Asia, there was a lot of oil that raised the economy of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. In addition, it caught the attention of the British who set oil companies in those regions.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Gandhi organized a march were Indians would make their own salt by getting salt eater and not buy it from the government.
  • Government of India act

    Government of India act
    The British Parliament finally gave India a "self ruling" Government. By this I mean that the British didn´t give Indians a total independence but they gave them the right to a government.