Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Dec 31, 1299
13th Century Russia
During this period, Russia will endure many battles testing their strength and commitment to their culture. In the beginning of this century there are minor changes in government, mainly to reflect the diplomatic missions and to move in the direction that is overall best from Russia. This all began to come to a decline in the 1220’s when Russia started to experience invasions from the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire makes significance progress sweeping across Russia until 1240 when the grandson -
Period: Jan 1, 1223 to Dec 31, 1240
Mongol invasion of Russia
During this period the Mongol Empire invaded Russia, led by Batu Khan. During this span of the Mongol attacks, Vladimir, Kiev, and Moscow were nearly completely destroyed. -
May 31, 1223
Battle of Kalka river
Took place between the Mongol Empire and Kiev on the outer banks of the Kalka River. The battle resulted in the Mongols victory along with tens of thousands of dead soldiers on both sides.
This battle lasted over three days and of the third day they surrendered to the Mongols on the premise of a safe return. Instead the Mongols executed the Mstislav of Kiev. Photo url
https://periklisdeligiannis.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/kalka-river1.jpg -
Dec 1, 1237
Destruction of Moscow
In November of 1237 Batu Khan sent messages to Vladimir demanding a surrender. No reply was ever sent and as a result a month later, Moscow had been totally destroyed. For six days the city of Moscow was burnt to the ground and the people were murdered. Photo url
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Fireofmoscow.jpg -
May 4, 1238
Start of attacks on Vladimir
In 1238 the Mongols begin the start of their attacks on Vladimir and slowly begin working there was through Russia. Photo url
http://i2.wp.com/listverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/mongol01.jpg?resize=632,356 -
Jan 1, 1240
Defeating the Swedish
Alexander Nevksy whom was the price of Russia at the time, defeated a Swedish army on the frozen river of Neva. Photo url
http://www.pravoslavie.ru/sas/image/ledpoboish.jpg -
Jun 1, 1240
The fall of Kievan Rus
1240’s – Kievan Rus fell to the Mongol invasion. Kievan Rus was an East Slavic tribe from the 9th to mid-13th century. Photo url
https://www.google.com/search?q=Kievan+Rus&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=_cxGVe-nDIi-ggT0_YH4AQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=979#imgdii=Q85ZrZGnXzbV8M:;Q85ZrZGnXzbV8M:;enT3gpza0sLC7M:&imgrc=Q85ZrZGnXzbV8M:;87RikB3XRPzJDM;http://russia.islandtrips.co.uk/images/kievanrus.jpg;http://russia.islandtrips.co.u -
Jan 1, 1242
Trade in Crimea
The Mongols developed trade with Italian merchants, exchanging European war items for manufactured goods. Crimea is where the Russian empire was founded. Photo url
http://www.fondazionecdf.it/var/upload/immagini/immagine di testata crimea_532d92fb52305.jpg -
Jan 1, 1251
Peace between Russia and Norway
In 1251, Alexander Nevsky sent a messenger under strict diplomatic guidelines for Norway. As a result of his thoughts the first Peace treaty between Russia and Norway was signed. Photo url
http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-473-488-90/22/2246/L7EZD00Z/posters/announcement-of-peace-treaty-ending-the-revolutionary-war-printed-in-new-york-city-march-25-1783.jpg -
Jan 1, 1252
Grand Prince of Vladimir
In 1252 Alexander Nevsky becomes the grand prince of Vladimir. He was a knowledgeable diplomat and a very skilled soldier. Photo url
http://img.soundtrackcollector.com/movie/large/Alexander_Nevsky.jpg -
Nov 14, 1263
The death of Nevsky
Alexander Nevsky dies in 1263 after serving Russia his entire life. He served as Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev and Grand Prince of Vladimir. While serving as those billets, he experienced some of Russia’s must troubling obstacles and worked to fix them. Photo url
http://www.abc-people.com/shop/alexander_nevsky18.jpg -
Jan 1, 1270
Decline of Kiev
In 1270 the Veche elected a city magistrate in place of a prince. With a magistrate in power, all responsibility lies within him, but the final decision comes from the ruler. From this day forward Kiev was on a rapid decline of power. Photo url