Gertie the Dinosaur
Gertie the Dinosaur was the first animation. He was created by Winsor McCay, who is known to be the "father of the animated cartoon..." -
Felix the Cat
Felix the Cat was a milestone in animation. Nothing had been so real since Gertie the Dinosaur. Felix was a studio character, so people could look forward to seeing him again. -
Steamboat Willie
Steamboat Willie was the first Disney character and is now known as Mickey Mouse. He was Walt's first of a long line of chararcters that would move animation along rapidly. -
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was one of the first full length feature film-cartoons. It was a groundbreaker for animation. In 1939 it would be recognized as "a significant screen innovation which has charmed millions and pioneered a great new entertainment field." -
Pinocchio won a Academy Award in 1940. Like Snow White, it was a true movie which people were amazed by.