Royal Proclamation
The Royal Proclamation was signed, it stated that the crown understands Aboriginal peoples ownership and authority over their land. It stated the crown and only the crown could obtain their lands by way of treaty only. -
Small Pox
An epidemic of small pox sweets British Columbia, and kills one third of Aboriginal people in the province. -
Canada was Created
Canada became a country under the British North American act. -
Indian Act is Established
The first draft of the Indian Act is established. It controls all Indians life from birth to death, says who's Indian and not Indian, and the government became in control of their bands, and their land. Also, Indian agents became the primary mediators between Indians and the rest of Canada. -
New Laws
New laws were created that did not allow Aboriginal people in Canada to perform ceremonial traditions such as potlatching. Education of Aboriginal children were put in the hands of christian church ran residential schools. -
New Deputy Superintendent General of the Department of Indian Affairs
Duncan Campbell Scott became the new New deputy superinendent general of the department of Indian Affairs. His stated objective was assimilation (to absorb one culture or group into another harmoniously). -
Aboriginals Protest for their Rights
Aboriginal people made a protest blockade near Fort St. John. It blocked the flow of minors, and the Aboriginal people's persistence lead to the negotiation of treaty 8. -
More Rights are tooken away from Aboriginal people
The Indian Act was ammended, and it was made illegal for Aboriginal people to raise money or enlist the help of a lawyer to advance land claims, which blocked effective political court action. -
First Nations People get the vote in B.C.
First Nations people of British Columbia are permitted to vote in provincial elections -
Anti-Potlatch and Land Claims are given back to Aboriginal people
Aboriginal people in Canada get the vote
Aboriginal people in Canada are permitted to vote in federal elections -
Aboriginal People Loby to Gain Control of Their Education
Indian control Indian education wrote a document stating Indians should have the right to take their children out of residential schools, and gain the power to educate their children about their culture and laguage. This document has accepted by the government a year later. -
Canadian government recognizes Aboriginal Rights
Section 35 of the Canadian Constitutional Act confirms and recognizes already existing Aboriginal treaty rights. -
Canadian Government recognized Aboriginal Issues
The Premier's Council on Native Affairs was created, a government appointed group who meets with First Nations people about various issues and recommendations.