1 Month
Your baby can lift it's head, and respond to sound. It can also focus on a face. It may even be able to smile and hold it's head steady for a short period of time. Emotional: Generalized Tension
Socail: Helpless, Asocial, Fed by Mother The first month the baby should have at least 5 %u2013 8 feedings per day. -
2 Months
Your baby can hold its head steady for a short period of time. It can follow an object for a short period of time. It can also smile and respond to a bell. As well as coo and gah. Your baby may even be able to laugh out loud, reach for an object, and grasp a small object. Emotional: Delight, Distress, Smiles at a Face
Social: Visually fixates on a face, smiles at a face, may be soothed by rocking -
3 Months
At 3 months, your baby can laugh, lift its head 90 degrees, bring his hands together, smile, and squeal. It may even be able to pay attention to a small object, roll over, and bear some weight on legs when standing. By the third month the baby is able to cry in reponse to another's cry. The baby can also display the emotion of sadness. Capable of showing contentment, interest, anger, disgust, joy and surprise. -
4 Months
Your baby should be able to lay on its stomach and raise its head, laugh out loud, and be able to roll over. It may also lift its chest by using its arms, pay attention to a small ogject, and grasp an item like a rattle. Emotional: Enjoys being cuddled
Social: Recongnizes its mother, Distinguishes between familiar persons and strangers, no longer smiles indisciminately. By the fourth month the baby should be getting at least 3 %u2013 5 feedings per day. -
5 Months
By now, your child should be able to hold its head steady when upright, raise his chest when on his stomach, squeal in delight, reach for an object, focus on a small object, and be able to grasp something such as a rattle. He may be able to keep his head level with his body when sitting, and bear some weight on legs when standing. He may even be able to pull himself into a standing position. Get upset if you take away an object, look for a dropped object, and pass object between hands. -
5 Months, cont.
By the fifth month babies are able to imitate emotional facial expressions of others. -
6 Months
By 6 months, your baby should be able to keep his head level with the body when sitting, say words like ah and goo, sit without support, and stand holding onto someone or something. get angry if you take an object away. He may even look for a dropped object, turn in direction of voice. He may even be able to pull himself into a standing position from a sitting position. By 6 months it is ok to introduce your baby to their first solid is food. Rice cerial is the most recomended for this stage.