Jan 1, 1306
Expulsion of 1306
England whips and expels some 100,000 Jews who have remained since Edward I's expulsion order of 1290 (Jewish History 1300-1399). (Wikapedia). -
Jan 21, 1306
Phillip the Fair's Orders of execution.
In France, Phillip the Fair needing funds after his war with the Flemish, isasued secret orders to ready for the expulsion of the Jews and confiscation of their property. Any Jews found after the given date were to be executed (Jewish Persecution). (Wikipedia) -
Mar 26, 1307
Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg
Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg, Germany 1307 he had died in prison nearly ten years earlier, and was finally allowed to be burried after being ransonmed by Alexander B. Solomo Wimpfen for a large sum of money. he was burried in Worms (Jewish History 1300-1399). (Wikapedia). -
May 1, 1320
The Sheppards Crusade
May 1320, the shephard's crusade occured in Normmandy when a teenage sheppard claimed to have been visitied by a holy spirit which instructed him to fight the Moors in Spain. They marched to Paris to ask Philip the Fifth for help, but he refused. Instead they marched south to Aquitaine attacking castles ,inconsiderable officials, priests and lepers along the gate, their usual targets however were Jews. Pope John XXII gave order to stop them (Shepherds' Crusade). (Barns&Noble) -
Jan 1, 1336
Riots in Germany
In Germany, they fared still worse during the riots and the civil wars under Louis IV (1314-1347). For two consecutive years (1336, 1337), the Armleder, or peasants wearing a piece of leather wound around arm, inflicted untold sufferings upon the Jewish inhabitants of Alsace and the Rhineland as far as Swabia (Gigot). (Wikipedia) -
Mar 25, 1348
Jews blamed for Black Death
Jews are blaimed for spreading the Black Dewath by deliberatley contaminating wells and by anointing people and houses with poison. The Jews are herdeed into wooden buildings and burned alive. At Strasbourg more than 2000 JEwish scapegoats are hanged erected at the Jewish burying ground (Jewish History 1300-1399). (Wikipedia) -
Mar 27, 1349
Swiss Jews burned on Islands
Persicution and massacres of Jews in switzerland. In Basel, all Jews are rounded up and shipped to a small island, where they were set alight and burned to death (Midieval anti-Semetism). (Heathers Desk) -
Jan 1, 1370
Blamed for Defiling the "Host"
Jews were blamed for having defiled the "Host" (wafer used in the Mass) in Brabant. The accused were burned alive. Again, all Jews were banned from Flanders (Calendar of Jewish Persecution). The Jews of Bavaria were subjected to a slaughter which soon extended to those of Bohemia, Moravia, and Austria, although Benedict XII had issued a Bull promising an inquiry into the matter (Gigot). (Wikipedia) -
Jan 1, 1391
Spanish Persecution of Jews
Jews were being persecuted in 71 different Jewish communities throughout Spain. Jews were cruely massacred and their bodies dismembered. -
Mar 26, 1394
French exiled the Jews...AGAIN
Charles IV was unhappy with the revenue he received from the Jewish communities. In 1394 Jews were exciled for the second time form France. -
Jan 1, 1434
Yellow outfits
Jewish men in Augsburg had to sew yellow buttons to their clothes. Jews were forced to wear a long undergarment, an overcoat with a yellow overcoat patch, bells, and a tall pointed yellow hats with a large button (Jewish Persecution). (annefrank.org) -
Jan 1, 1453
Capistrano the Franciscan monk
The Franciscan monk, Capistrano, persuaded the King of Poland to withdraw all rights of citizenship for Jewish People (Anti-Judaism). (Wikipedia) -
Jan 1, 1478
Spanish Jews convert to Chistianity in the 14th Century
Spanish Jews had ben heavily persecuted from the 14th Century. Many had converted to Christianity. The Spanish Inqusition was set up by the church in order to detect insincere conversions (Calandar of Jewsih Persecution). (Wikipedia) -
Jan 1, 1478
Spanish Inquisition
The formnations of the spanish inquisition, which begins as a campaign to identify, interrogate, and punish "secret" Jews (Calandar of Jewish Persecution). (Shirtaid) -
Mar 27, 1480
Jews Burned in Venice
In Venice, Jews were burned alive. -
Jan 1, 1492
Jews Forced into Christianity
Jews were given the choice of being baptized as Christians or be banished from Spain. 300,000 left Spain penniless. Many migrated to Portugal and Turkey, where they were later tortured, imprisoned, and killed. Others converted to Chritianity, but oftern practiced Judaism in secret (Gigot). (Word Press) -
Dec 28, 1496
In Portugal, John II tolerated the Jews for only eight months, then all remaining Jewish people were made slaves. John's successor, Emmanuel (1495-1521), at first freed those enslaved Jews; but he finally signed in December, 1496, the decree expelling from Portugal all Jews who would refuse to be baptized, and in 1497 had it carried out. The country where the Spanish refugees were most hospitably received was Turkey, then ruled over by Bajazet II (Gigot). -
Jan 1, 1497
Jews banashied from Portugal
Jews were beinhg banished from Portugal. 20,000 Jews left the country rather than be baptizsed as Christians. Many others became slaves (Robinson). (Operation World)