13 Colonies

  • Period: to

    13 collines

  • James Town

    James Town
    In 1607 100 English colonists reached the coast near Chesapeake
    bay. And founded James town for the first English settelment
  • king James bible

    king James bible
    The King James Bible was published in London, England by printer Robert Barker. The king James Bible is a christian bible that Christians read. It is about BC and AD and in the middle of his life. They also preach it in christian churches.
  • Virginia

    In 1618 Virginia was the first permanent English Colony in North America. In this time The house of Burgesses was created. James Town was the capital of Virginia was remaned there until 1699.
  • Mayflower

    In 1620 the Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England. They left to the new world with 102 passengers. On there journey there was vary ruff weather and a lot of people got sick.
  • Quakers

    In 1640 Quakers were being persecuted for there faith. In this time the Quakers were being treated vary bad by other people. Some Quakers were being killed in front of each other.
  • The kings rule

    The kings rule
    In 1688 the king of England got greedy. He was greedy because nobody was worshiping him so in 1688 all the people of England had to worship him. He also made them follow all his rules. So some of the Engalds people went to the new world to get a new life.
  • King and Queen of England

    King and Queen of England
    In 1689 William and Mary of orange become King and Queen of England. Also Governor andros was put in jail for rebellious colonists. The king and Queen help England for there trade routes.
  • Slave Trade

    Slave Trade
    In 1696 the royal African trade company loses it slave trade to monopoly. This is a great thing for the Africans because there country wouldn't be payed for having slaves. It gave Africa more population because none of there people were being taken.l
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    In 1765 the stamp act was created. The stamp act kept harsh penitently in order. For example this person murders someone. The stamp act will stamp a contract for they keep there penalty.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    In 1775 colonial america goes to the revolutionary War. This was a hard war for the colonies but they made it through. People said that they were stuck in there homes because of the war.