Picture of coloines

13 Colonies Timeline Project

  • Permission to settle in Roanoke Island.

    Permission to settle in Roanoke Island.
    Queen Elizabeth allow Raleigh to send 100 men to Roanoke Island to settle .
  • Murder Mystery?

    Murder Mystery?
    Raleigh found out the men were killed on the way to Roanoke Island.
  • Virginia's James River

    Virginia's James River
    Over 100 men landed on the docks of the Virginia's James River
  • When I stopped coming around

    When I stopped coming around
    When John Smith got very ill stopped coming around
  • A big year for James Town

    A big year for James Town
    It was a big year because it was the first elected assembly

    High winds blew over the sail of the boat next to me
  • The celebration

    The celebration
    Governor William held a celebration
  • The Land

    The Land
    The king gave land to people that are coming to the New World
  • Home

    I got to go back home
  • The end for Smith

    The end for Smith
    When John Smith had finally died, I cane back to see him