Title map

The 13 Colonies

  • 1590 Roanoke Colony Disapeared and became the Lost Colony

    1590 Roanoke Colony Disapeared and became the Lost Colony
    John White heled to establish the first English settlement in Roanoke. He retuned to England for supplies and was delayed by war for 3 years. When he returned in 1590 he found the colonists were gone and it is still not known what happened to them.
  • Jamestown Settlement was Established

    Jamestown Settlement was Established
    Jamestown, Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the first British colony in North America, Virginia.
  • 1614 Pocahontas and John Rolfe Married

    1614 Pocahontas and John Rolfe Married
    The marriage between Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Indians, and John Rolfe ensured peace between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan Indians for several years.
  • 1620 Plymouth Colony Founded

    1620 Plymouth Colony Founded
    The Pilgrims founded Plymouth, Massachusetts after sailing from England on the Mayflower. Many of the passengers did not survive, and the rest faced great hardships but made friends with the Native Americans to learn how to survive.
  • 1623 First Thanksgiving

    1623 First Thanksgiving
    Samoset and Squanto, members of the Wampanoag people, visited the Pilgrim settlers in Plymouth. They taught the settlers to grow corn in the rocky soil and how to fish. After several meetings, the settlers and native people made an agreement to protect each other from other tribes. The first gathering most likely happened in 1621, however, the first recorded religious Thanksgiving Day happened in 1623 where they were giving thanks for God for the rain after a two-month drought.
  • 1634 Maryland Founded by Lord Baltimore

    1634 Maryland Founded by Lord Baltimore
    The first colonists arrived on the western shore of Maryland. Lord Baltimore created a colony to give Catholics a home to safely worship their religion.
  • 1663 Carolina Established

    1663 Carolina Established
    A group of eight Virginians created a settlement south of Virginia. It was called Carolina and it was later divided into North Carolina and South Carolina.
  • 1664 New Jersey Founded

    1664 New Jersey Founded
    New Jersey was founded by Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret when the Duke of York gifted the land from New Netherland to them. New Jersey was a place of religious freedom and many people came to live there.
  • 1682 William Penn Established the Pennsylvania Colony

    1682 William Penn Established the Pennsylvania Colony
    William Penn, a Quaker, believed that everyone should have the freedom to practice their own religion. The king owed Penn’s dead father a debt, so he granted him land in the new world to fulfill his debt. William Penn created the colony of Pennsylvania where all religions are welcome and a safe land for the Quakers under persecution in England. It became the third largest colony in the New World.
  • 1776 Colonies Declared Independence from England

    1776 Colonies Declared Independence from England
    The signing of the Declaration of Independence declared independence from England for all the colonies of America. Independence was won through the Revolutionary War and the colonies became the United States of America.