13 Colonies Project

  • The lost Colony of Roanoke

    The lost Colony of Roanoke
    The Roanoke colony was the first attempt at colonization in the Americas. They could not find the colony after some went back to England for supplies but were caught in the war with Spain. They came back only to find a sign that said "Croatoan".
  • Period: to

    The 13 Colonies

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded by the London company but many of the 100 sent survived since it was a swampy, disease filled land. The first cash crop was tobacco.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe marry

    Pocahontas and John Rolfe marry
    Pocahontas might be known as a princess but she was anything but that. Pocahontas saved John Smiths life and restored peace between the indians and the English. Pocahontas fell in love with John Rolfe and married him.
  • The House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the lower house of the colonial legislature in Virginia.
  • The founding of Plymouth

    The founding of Plymouth
    The Plymouth colony might be known for the first Thanksgiving but it was much more. The colonist came over on the ship The Mayflower. About 100 men signed there compact of how the government would work called the Mayflower Compact.
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    The First Thanksgiving was a celebration between the Indians and Pilgrims. The Pilgrims hosted it to thank the Indians for helping them to survive.
  • Maryland is founded

    Maryland is founded
    Maryland was founded in 1632 by Cecil Calvert who's father George Calvert who received a charter from the king.
  • Carolina founding

    Carolina  founding
    The king gave eight people called the Lord's Proprietors land they called Carolina. But the land was so huge they split it into two piece, North and South Carolina.
  • Pennsylvania is founded

    Pennsylvania is founded
    Pennsylvania was founded by... William Penn! Who was granted a royal charter from the king.
  • The Founding of New Jersey

    The Founding of New Jersey
    New Jersey was founded by George Carteret and Lord Berkeley. Who named the colony after the British island of Jersey.